TaskUnifier Forum TaskUnifier inactive Manage your tasks Brought to you by: leclercb Summary Files Reviews Support Code Donate Wiki Forum Tickets Bugs Feature Requests Stats Graph Forums General Discussion 208 Translations 2 Help Formatting Help ...
Benjamin Leclerc's TaskUnifier is a free task-management tool based on David Allen's Getting Things Done (GTD) method, which itself is based on the simple premise that recording a task frees the brain to focus on performing the task instead of rem
Hi, I am new to TaskUnifier... and I am a programmer ;-) You people seem to like... 25 days ... TaskUnifier offers a global hotkey for Windows but not for Linux.
Popular Alternatives to TaskUnifier for Windows, Web / Cloud, iPhone, Mac, Android and more. Explore 41 apps like TaskUnifier, all suggested and ranked by ...
The best thing that has happened to me regarding time management is Toodledo. Similar online time management tools don't come close. The SECOND best thing was TaskUnifier! TU is an offline time management tool that can use the Toodledo online service
HISTORY ----- Version 4.3.4 - Major: - TaskUnifier Pro becomes free ! - Minor: - Sort order of dates without time Version 4.3.3 - Major: - Toodledo API v3 upgrade - Minor: - FR 421: Confirm exit option - FR 435: Select next task in ...
有不少人工作很忙、事情很多,不過本身自己就是一個小員工,身邊哪會有小秘書呢?所以真的需要找到適合自己的軟體工具,TaskUnifier 是款專業的工作排程管理工具,你也可以把它當成 ToDo 的軟體,甚至結合行事曆的功能,電腦上的小秘書就非他莫屬了!有些人會說忙到沒時間再去敲敲打打這類工具,其實這類軟體不用太花時間,最少最少工作前後各一次,工作前看看有什麼工作要做,工作後自己回報工作進度,久而久之就會很有效率囉!