2011年1月28日 - From Passcape Software: Passcape ISO Burner is an advanced solution that enables even inexperienced users to create bootable CD, DVD or ...
Free utility developed for creating bootable disks from ISO images. Passcape ISO Burner is compatible with the majority of CD/DVD recorders and USB devices.
Passcape ISO Burner is the application for creating CD, DVD or USB disks from ISO 9660 images. PIB supports creating bootable disks (for example, WinPE, ...
Passcape ISO Burner is an advanced solution that enables even inexperienced users to create bootable CD, DVD or USB disks from ISO images quickly and ...
Passcape ISO Burner was developed for creating bootable disks from available ISO images. PIB is compatible with the majority of CD/DVD recorders and USB ...
2016年5月26日 - Passcape ISO Burner, free download. A simple to user ISO burner that can create bootables from images. Review of Passcape ISO Burner with ...
燒錄工具可以將 ISO 檔案燒錄成光碟,某些工具可以將 ISO 檔案製作成開機隨身碟,不過以上兩種行為會需要不同的軟體,有沒有一個軟體就可以搞定這兩個任務?都然有啊!Passcape ISO Burner 結合了光碟燒錄以及製作開機隨身碟的功能,讓你一款軟體可以搞定兩件事,當你剛好需要取用 ISO 檔案時就不用慌慌張張地找軟體,把這款工具收下就對了!