Apple Watch Series 2 has a water resistance rating of 50 meters under ISO standard 22810:2010. This means that it may be used for shallow-water activities like swimming in a pool or ocean. It is also safe to wear it while showering or in a hot tub. Howeve
The Apple Watch 2 is official, and it's waterproof. Or swim-proof, at least. And it's aiming right at the sports and fitness market. The second-generation model, which is officially called Apple Watch Series 2, adds a faster dual-core processor, i
San Francisco — Today, Apple introduced Apple Watch Series 2, the next generation of the world’s most popular smartwatch. Apple Watch Series 2 is packed with incredible fitness and health capabilities including a water resistance 50 meter rating for swimm
The new Apple Watch is the ultimate device for your healthy life. Choose from a range of models including Apple Watch Series 2 and Apple Watch Nike+. ... Buy (RED). Give life. Every purchase brings us a step closer to an AIDS-free generation. Learn more
相較iPhone 7系列機種變更幅度,蘋果此次推出的Apple Watch Series 2也有不少提昇部分,但外型、尺寸仍維持與第一代產品相同設計,錶帶亦可相互通用。不同部分,則包含加入可沉水使用的iP67防護效果,同時也針對運動需求加入可獨立運作的GPS元件,另外也增加全新白色陶瓷錶身設計,藉此在不鏽鋼、鋁合金錶身增加全新選擇,並且將內建處理器、螢幕規格作提昇,更與愛...