Rubber Tracks Sample Library 配樂音效免費資源,專業錄音工作室及音樂家作品
Rubber Tracks Sample Library 配樂音效免費資源,專業錄音工作室及音樂家作品


Converse Rubber Tracks Sample Library Producer Workshop ...


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Temu Bacot "Talkbox Funk"

Singer, dancer, producer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Temu Bacot was ...


YouTube 音效庫提供了各式各樣的免費音樂和音效,供您在影片中自由運用。 請參閱如何為影片尋找合適音效一文,瞭解更多實用秘訣與最佳做法。

Converse Rubber Tracks Sample Library

The Converse Rubber Tracks Sample Library is a royalty-free library of one shots, loops and stems recorded at Rubber Tracks. The Converse Rubber Tracks Sample Library is a royalty-free library of one shots, loops and stems recorded at Rubber Tracks. / . /

Rubber Tracks Launches Free Sample Library

On Feb. 4, Converse announced the launch of their Rubber Tracks Sample Library created in partnership with Indaba Music. The library will allow musicians to create and utilize samples from an online database. The library currently offers over 10,000 high

Body Language "Free"

"Free" is a track that was created using samples in the Rubber Tracks Sample ...

Converse Sample Library

The Rubber Tracks Sample Library is a free, growing collection of high-quality ...

Nike News

Today, CONVERSE Inc. announces the launch of the Converse Rubber Tracks Sample Library, a growing collection of high-quality audio samples available to musicians around the world, free of charge. Created in partnership with Indaba Music, a music technolog

Vimeo Music Store 免費音樂、配樂及音效庫資源,超過四萬個音效素材免費下載

介紹過許多提供免費下載音樂音效素材網站,我個人最喜愛 YouTube 音效庫內建的免費音樂頻道,可自由下載使用 Mp3 背景音樂,在製作影片時就能從這個音樂庫找尋有無合適的素材,完整授權說明讓創作者能夠安心合法使用

Rubber Tracks

Rubber Tracks Live Cons EP Sample Library 12 ICONIC RECORDING STUDIOS. 12 SETS OF KEYS. 84 ARTISTS. CLICK HERE TO WATCH Converse Rubber Tracks Converse Rubber Tracks is a global family of community-based professional If ...

Converse Announces Rubber Tracks Sample Library, Providing Free Audio Samples for Musicians

Converse will launch a new sample library called the Converse Rubber Tracks Sample Library that will provide a growing collection of high-quality audio samples free-of-charge to musicians around the world. The project is created in partnership with music

Rubber Tracks Sample Library 配樂音效免費資源,專業錄音工作室及音樂家作品

Rubber Tracks Sample Library 配樂音效免費資源,專業錄音工作室及音樂家作品

Rubber Tracks Sample Library 配樂音效素材網站是由 Converse 和 Indaba Music 公司合作推出的免費線上資源,站上收錄了大量的音樂、音效、錄音、配樂...等素材,剪輯再棒的影片都需要恰到好處的音效來陪襯才能提高影片的質感,就是一種魚幫水、水幫魚的概念。


▽ 站上的音樂素材都是來自於專業的錄音工作室和音樂家,都是使用錄音室等級的器材來錄製的,這裡的音樂、音效、配越的音質都是很棒的唷!

Rubber Tracks Sample Library

▽ 從 Rubber Tracks Sample Library 首頁可以找到創作團隊的作品,滑鼠移到每個方框內都會顯示有多少音效素材檔案,像是 Soul Clap's Clips Blips and Audio Trips 這創作團隊有 2231個音效素材檔。

Rubber Tracks Sample Library

▽ 選擇創作團隊後進入 BROWSE FILES 就能一個一個音效慢慢聽、慢慢挑選了,喜歡的音效按下播放鍵旁邊的 Download 就可以免費下載囉!

Rubber Tracks Sample Library

▽ 下載之前記得先註冊帳號,可使用 Email 或是 Facebook 帳號來註冊,註冊時間不會太長約10秒鐘就能完成,下載後的檔案格式是 wav 檔案。

Rubber Tracks Sample Library

▽ 有需要混音的音效素材也可以從 MIXES 這裡進入,混音的音樂素材也都是來自 Rubber Tracks Sample Library 網站裡的素材,艾倫覺得混音後很多首音樂很好聽,也很適合當影片的背影音樂,使用哪些音效來混音的明細也再下方有顯示清單。

Rubber Tracks Sample Library

還再苦惱影片或短片都沒音樂、音效可用嗎?快來 Rubber Tracks Sample Library 找尋適合的音效吧!


Rubber Tracks Sample Library

Rubber Tracks Sample Library 相關文章
