歷史下載檔案列表 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20 螢幕錄影與截圖的小工具

ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20 螢幕錄影與截圖的小工具
ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20 螢幕錄影與截圖的小工具


ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.exe(CHRIS-PC空間下載) create: 2019/03/30 / last: 2024/12/13 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.exe(ZIPPYSHARE空間下載) create: 2019/03/30 / last: 2024/12/09 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.exe(1DRV空間下載) create: 2019/03/30 / last: 2024/12/13 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.exe(MEDIAFIRE空間下載) create: 2019/03/30 / last: 2024/12/13 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.exe(GOOGLE空間下載) create: 2019/03/30 / last: 2024/12/03 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.7z(GOOGLE空間下載) create: 2019/03/30 / last: 2024/12/13 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.7z(EZ3C空間下載) create: 2019/03/30 / last: 2024/12/12 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.7z(ZIPPYSHARE空間下載) create: 2019/03/30 / last: 2024/12/13 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.7z(1DRV空間下載) create: 2019/03/30 / last: 2024/12/13 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.7z(MEDIAFIRE空間下載) create: 2019/03/30 / last: 2024/12/14 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 1.35.exe(MEDIAFIRE空間下載) create: 2017/09/29 / last: 2024/12/13 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 1.35.exe(GMPAN空間下載) create: 2017/09/29 / last: 2024/12/13 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 1.35.exe(RAPIDGATOR空間下載) create: 2017/09/29 / last: 2024/12/13 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 1.35.exe(CHRIS-TV空間下載) create: 2017/09/29 / last: 2024/12/13 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 1.35.exe(ZIPPYSHARE空間下載) create: 2017/09/29 / last: 2024/12/13 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 1.35.rar(RAPIDGATOR空間下載) create: 2017/09/29 / last: 2024/12/12 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 1.35.rar(EZ3C空間下載) create: 2017/09/29 / last: 2024/12/13 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 1.35.rar(ZIPPYSHARE空間下載) create: 2017/09/29 / last: 2024/12/13 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 1.35.rar(MEDIAFIRE空間下載) create: 2017/09/29 / last: 2024/12/13 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 1.35.rar(GMPAN空間下載) create: 2017/09/29 / last: 2024/11/30

ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20 螢幕錄影與截圖的小工具

ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20 螢幕錄影與截圖的小工具

螢幕截圖工具很多款,這次介紹的 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 是具備螢幕錄影與螢幕截圖雙功能的小工具,不過醜化先說在前頭,免費版本的錄影功能會有浮水印,不過截圖功能就沒這問題,而截圖與錄影方式可以透過框選的方式,不管是截圖或是錄影都頗方便的,若你還沒有上手的工具,這款可以參考參考唷!


設定中可以調整錄影的影像品質,以及錄影的 FPS,最高支援到 60FPS,聲音可以調整錄製電腦中的聲音或是麥克風;截圖可以存檔成 JPG、PNG 與 BMP,不過 JPG 無法調整影像品質。

我個人還頗愛這種框選模式,調整區域的方式很直覺,可以自訂框的大小,上方也有常用的大小設定,截圖時點選 Capture,錄影時點選剪刀 Select 開始錄影。



ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.exe(CHRIS-PC下載)
ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.exe(MEDIAFIRE下載)
ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.exe(ZIPPYSHARE下載)
ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.exe(GOOGLE下載)
ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.exe(1DRV下載)
檔案大小:19.34 MB

ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.7z(MEDIAFIRE下載)
ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.7z(ZIPPYSHARE下載)
ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.7z(GOOGLE下載)
ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.7z(1DRV下載)
ChrisPC Screen Recorder 2.20.7z(本站下載)
檔案大小:3.92 MB

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