

在英语中翻译专心 · focus on · concentrate · attentive · dedicated · focused on · concentration. absorbed.

專心| 繁体中文-英语翻译——剑桥词典

專心 ... to direct your attention or your efforts towards a particular activity, subject, or problem: Come on, concentrate! We don't have all day to do this. 快點 ...

專心| 繁體中文

專心 ... to direct your attention or your efforts towards a particular activity, subject, or problem: Come on, concentrate! We don't have all day to do this. 快點 ...

concentrate (【動詞】集中, 專心, 濃縮)意思、用法及發音

He is concentrating hard on his work. 他專心在工作上。

absorbed (【形容詞】專心的, 全神貫注的)意思、用法及發音

absorbed 例句 ... He was too absorbed in the game to hear his mother. 他太專心玩遊戲而未能聽到他媽媽的聲音。


absent. Absent 這個字大家比較常看到的意思應該是缺席,但其實也可以拿來當分心的意思用哦!像是absentminded 這個形容詞就是指心不在焉的,absent 單獨使用 ...

輕鬆學英語‧英語輕鬆學專心致志三部曲1 專心

首先,我們就來談談「專心」這件事。在英文中,被用來表示「專心」或者是「專注」於某件事的單字中,最常見的有:focus、be attentive以及concentrate。或許有人會發現,麋鹿兒 ...

輕鬆學英語‧英語輕鬆學專心致志三部曲1 專心

首先,我們就來談談「專心」這件事。在英文中,被用來表示「專心」或者是「專注」於某件事的單字中,最常見的有:focus、be attentive以及concentrate。或許 ...

專心- English translation

专心 ()— · engrossed · absorption · Examples: 专心致志—. with ...


在英语中翻译专心·focuson·concentrate·attentive·dedicated·focusedon·concentration.absorbed.,專心...todirectyourattentionoryoureffortstowardsaparticularactivity,subject,orproblem:Comeon,concentrate!Wedon'thavealldaytodothis.快點 ...,專心...todirectyourattentionoryoureffortstowardsaparticularactivity,subject,orproblem:Comeon,concentrate!Wedon'thavealldaytodothis.快點 ...,Heisconcentratinghardonhi...