【YOYOMAN小學堂】生活英文✦Swing 鞦韆 Slide 溜滑梯 ...

1.Going/SlidingDowntheSlide滑滑梯·2.PlayingontheSwing荡秋千·3.PlayingontheSeesaw/Teeter-Totter玩跷跷板·4.SpinningontheRoundabout玩 ...,aslopingstructureforslidingdown,thatendsinaswimmingpoolorareaofwater:Theparkhaswaterslides,wavepoolsandotherfea...。參考影片的文章的如下:



1. Going / Sliding Down the Slide 滑滑梯 · 2. Playing on the Swing 荡秋千 · 3. Playing on the Seesaw / Teeter-Totter 玩跷跷板 · 4. Spinning on the Roundabout 玩 ...

滑梯| 繁体中文-英语翻译——剑桥词典

a sloping structure for sliding down, that ends in a swimming pool or area of water: The park has water slides, wave pools and other features kids enjoy.

滑梯| 繁體中文-英文翻譯-劍橋字典

a sloping structure for sliding down, that ends in a swimming pool or area of water: The park has water slides, wave pools and other features kids enjoy.


基本释义 · slide · sliding board. 参考释义. 滑梯 [huá tī]. - slide; children's slide ...


2014年11月12日 — 玩蹺蹺板、盪鞦韆、溜滑梯、攀登架,這些公園常見的遊樂設施跟活動,到底應該怎麼說呢? 嘿嘿,答案是---play on the seesaw, play on the swing, play on ...

盪鞦韆、蹺蹺板英文怎麼說?slideswingseesaw 中文意思!

2020年9月19日 — 1.slide 溜滑梯. slide 本身有滑行的意思,當成名詞用的時候,中文有「溜滑梯」的意思。 下面教學slide 相關英文例句與中文意思。 例: Let's play on the ...


2016年6月16日 — 【溜滑梯(playground) slide】 在公園裡另一個常見的遊樂設施是溜滑梯,是英文比中文容易的字呢!就叫做slide 跟盪鞦韆一樣,play on the slide 而 ...


1.Going/SlidingDowntheSlide滑滑梯·2.PlayingontheSwing荡秋千·3.PlayingontheSeesaw/Teeter-Totter玩跷跷板·4.SpinningontheRoundabout玩 ...,aslopingstructureforslidingdown,thatendsinaswimmingpoolorareaofwater:Theparkhaswaterslides,wavepoolsandotherfeatureskidsenjoy.,aslopingstructureforslidingdown,thatendsinaswimmingpoolorareaofwater:Theparkhaswaterslides,wavepoolsandotherfeatureskidsenjoy.,基本释...