

VRMark includes three VR benchmark tests. You can run the tests on your monitor, no headset required, or on a connected HMD.

Virtual Patent Marking(虛擬專利標示)

虛擬標示: 所謂的虛擬標示(virtual marking),就是指專利權人除了應於產品上標示專利編號外,更可用網頁標示的方式取代標示在產品上的方式,此種方式更方便、 ...

Virtual Patent Marking

此页面是为了满足各个司法管辖区的虚拟专利标记规定,包括《美国发明法》,并根据《美国专利法》第35 U.S.C. §287(a)条和《英国专利法》§62(1)提供通知。

Virtual Marking

This website is provided to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of various jurisdictions including the virtual patent marking provisions of the ...

What is Virtual Patent Marking and Does It Make Sense for Your ...

To virtually mark a product, a patent owner must mark the product itself or to the packaging for the product with the word “patent” or “pat.” ...

Virtual patent and design marking

Virtual marking (also known as web marking) typically involves marking a product with words such as “patented” or “design registration” along with text or code.

Virtual Patent Marking

This website is provided to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of various jurisdictions including the America Invents Act and to provide notice ...

How is virtual patent marking used in practice?

Virtual patent marking is a more flexible alternative to physical marking of a patent right or product, using designations such as 'Patented' or 'Patent pending ...

App for leaving your virtual mark at physical places 在實際地點留下 ...

It allows users to post and view content at virtual walls in popular places, tourist attractions such as the Eiffel Tower, stadiums and stores.

[PDF] Virtual Marking

With virtual marking, the patent numbers are not present on the article or its packaging, but rather on an Internet Web page referenced by the mark on the. 48 ...


VRMarkincludesthreeVRbenchmarktests.Youcanrunthetestsonyourmonitor,noheadsetrequired,oronaconnectedHMD.,虛擬標示:所謂的虛擬標示(virtualmarking),就是指專利權人除了應於產品上標示專利編號外,更可用網頁標示的方式取代標示在產品上的方式,此種方式更方便、 ...,此页面是为了满足各个司法管辖区的虚拟专利标记规定,包括《美国发明法》,并根据《美国专利法》第35U.S.C.§287(a)条和《英国专利法》§62(1)提供...

HWiNFO 8.22 功能完善的硬體檢測工具

HWiNFO 8.22 功能完善的硬體檢測工具
