SOLVED: Ftp_put(): Can't open that file

...Files的FileManager會進入檔案管理頁面:檔案操作按鈕在最上面,如同000a.biz那樣可進行新增目錄,移動/刪除/複製/上傳檔案等作業.將上面的 ...,000webhost是少數提供永久免費的網頁空間,能讓您架設使用PHP+MySQL開發的網站,也能直接架設WordPress網站。除了提供...。參考影片的文章的如下:


申請免費PHP 虛擬主機 與

... Files 的File Manager 會進入檔案管理頁面: 檔案操作按鈕在最上面, 如同 那樣可進行新增目錄, 移動/刪除/複製/上傳檔案等作業. 將上面的 ...

000webhost 免費的PHP + MySQL 網頁空間

000webhost 是少數提供永久免費的網頁空間,能讓您架設使用PHP + MySQL 開發的網站,也能直接架設WordPress 網站。除了提供免費版之外,亦提供付費版功能 ...

How to access my files on 000webhost

After days of trials and errors, I found out that connection to the server where 000webhost keeps files is possible only via VPN.

How to Download a Website Copy From 000webhost

Go to the Websites page and click on Manage: · Navigate to the Files section and select the File Manager: · Select the public_html folder, right-click to open the ...

Uploading a file

Open the 000webhost file manager, you will see there is a folder already created called public_html. All of our files need to be placed within this folder.

小弟剛學用000webhost跟wordpress 但是剛剛在啟用wp super cache ...

小弟剛學用000webhost跟wordpress 但是剛剛在啟用wp super cache之後忽然無法連上我的網站了filezilla也無法連線到伺服器只有從000webhost的file ...

討論串(共3篇) - [問題] 000webhost file manager

我也有用000webhost架設網站(osCommerce phpBB3 等). 在cPanel中點選file manager 之後. 只要再輸入一次密碼就可以順利進入並上傳檔案了. 如果file manager 無法順利進入.

How to find an uploaded file path on a “000webhost” web host

Go to your account and find the ftp login details. sometimes these are similar to your username and password, sometimes different.

Uploading website files in 000webhost hosting account using FTP ...

For those having problem with accessing the File manager in the browser. ***Use this method. Step by step guide in downloading and ...


obtaining a free hosting account, using a file manager to create and edit index.html creating a database.


...Files的FileManager會進入檔案管理頁面:檔案操作按鈕在最上面,如同000a.biz那樣可進行新增目錄,移動/刪除/複製/上傳檔案等作業.將上面的 ...,000webhost是少數提供永久免費的網頁空間,能讓您架設使用PHP+MySQL開發的網站,也能直接架設WordPress網站。除了提供免費版之外,亦提供付費版功能 ...,Afterdaysoftrialsanderrors,Ifoundoutthatconnectiontotheserverwhere000webhostkeepsfilesispossibleonlyviaVPN.,GototheWeb...