
60FPS Youtube videos lag when mouse is still

When I watch 60fps youtube videos in fullscreen, the video will be very choppy and perform poorly unless I trigger the control interface by moving the mouse.

Frames Dropping while playing YouTube 1080p60FPS at 2x on ...

Go into YouTube App Info, click on the 3 dot menu top right and Uninstall updates. This will revert to an older version. Check if it still has the issue.


1. 顯示設定的GPU硬體加速未開啟. 2. NVIDIA驅動456.55降回452.06. 0.

為甚麼我的youtube觀看全螢幕1080P FPS60 影片,會一直延遲畫面 ...

為甚麼我的youtube觀看全螢幕1080P FPS60 影片,會一直延遲畫面音頻不同步有時還會跳針跳畫面,就連轉圈等待的那個畫面轉圈動畫也在LAG 我電腦是工作站電腦 ...

Why do 1080p YouTube videos lag for me in Chrome but not when I ...

Your computer may lag with YouTube but not Netflix or Hulu due to browser issues, hardware acceleration, cache and cookies, varying video ...

1080p 60 fps videos lagging ? : ryoutube

In chrome, go to: Settings -> Advanced Settings -> scroll down and uncheck Use hardware acceleration when available -> restart chrome (click ...

YouTube app lagging when videos quality set to 720p 60fps

But 4-5 months ago videos started lagging when played at 1080p 60fps and now for a couple of days it's even lagging at 720p 60fps. One thing I ...

YouTube 60FPS Lagging & Dropped Frames on Google Chrome

YouTube 60FPS Lagging & Dropped Frames on Google Chrome - QUICK FIX! If your YouTube is skipping frames then this is the video to watch.

How to Fix YouTube 60 FPS Lagging and Dropped Frames on ...

How to Fix YouTube 60 FPS Lagging and Dropped Frames on Google Chrome. 1.7K views · 9 months ago ...more ...

Lagging on Youtube while watching 1080p 60fps and 4K

The problem is your hardware not the device, To fix this you have to go in developer options in settings and turn disable Hardware overlay on.

