128,000 Dominoes - Falling into Past

Themostdominoestoppledina3Dpyramidwas13,486,achievedbySinnersDominoProduction(Germany)attheWilhelm-Lückert-GymansiuminBüdingen,Germany,on ...,2014年12月18日—Witnesstheincredibledominosetupof128000bricksthatbroketwoworldrecords.Experiencethemesmer...。參考影片的文章的如下:


128,000 Dominoes – Falling into past

The most dominoes toppled in a 3D pyramid was 13,486, achieved by Sinners Domino Production (Germany) at the Wilhelm-Lückert-Gymansium in Büdingen, Germany, on ...

128000 Dominoes

2014年12月18日 — Witness the incredible domino setup of 128000 bricks that broke two world records. Experience the mesmerizing journey around the world ...

128000 Dominoes Falling into past a journey around the ...

128,000 Dominoes Falling into past a journey around the world 2 Guinness World Records) YouTub ... Your browser can't play this video. Learn more ...

128000 Dominoes Falling the world 2 Guinness World Records

128000 Dominoes Falling the world 2 Guinness World Records)

128000 Dominoes topple over in only minutes

2017年3月9日 — Check out this unbelievable 128,000 domino set up, which showcased important parts of world history. It's definitely worth your time!


Themostdominoestoppledina3Dpyramidwas13,486,achievedbySinnersDominoProduction(Germany)attheWilhelm-Lückert-GymansiuminBüdingen,Germany,on ...,2014年12月18日—Witnesstheincredibledominosetupof128000bricksthatbroketwoworldrecords.Experiencethemesmerizingjourneyaroundtheworld ...,128,000DominoesFallingintopastajourneyaroundtheworld2GuinnessWorldRecords)YouTub...Yourbrowsercan'tplaythisvideo.Learnm...