
A fully-integrated switched

A switched-capacitor DC-DC voltage converter in 45 nm SOI CMOS leverages on-chip trench capacitors to achieve 90% efficiency at an output of 2.3A/mm 2.

Improving the efficiency of a 2∶1 SC DC

Switched capacitor (SC) DC-DC converters can be used to convert an input voltage range into a fixed output voltage value. The efficiency of these circuits ...

[PDF] Switched-Capacitor 2:1 Step

In this section we will analysis the operation of 2:1 switched capacitor DC-DC converter and the loss mechanism. 2.1 Operation of switched capacitor converter.

[PDF] 2:1 Switched Capacitor DC – DC Voltage Converter

The basic idea regarding how to design Switched. Capacitor DC-DC Voltage Converter is to obtain an output in the multiples you want based on the switching ...

A 2:1 switched-capacitor DC

This paper presents a 2:1 low power switched-capacitor DC–DC converter designed in nm Standard CMOS technology.


We propose a 2:1 step-down converter that can preserve the existing downstream 1S power architecture without requiring a higher battery charging current.

MP2753 | 10A, 2:1, Switched Capacitor Converter

The MP2753 is a highly integrated switched capacitor converter solution for 2-cell Li-ion or Li-polymer batteries. It uses a dual-phase switched capacitor ...

MP2752 | Bidirectional, 2:11:2, Switched Capacitor Converter

The MP2753 is a highly integrated switched capacitor converter solution for 2-cell Li-ion or Li-polymer batteries. It uses a dual-phase switched capacitor ...

LTC7825 Switched Capacitor DCDC Converter

... monolithic device with high efficiency and a switched capacitor architecture in applications with a 2:1 input-to-output voltage ratio.


Aswitched-capacitorDC-DCvoltageconverterin45nmSOICMOSleverageson-chiptrenchcapacitorstoachieve90%efficiencyatanoutputof2.3A/mm2.,Switchedcapacitor(SC)DC-DCconverterscanbeusedtoconvertaninputvoltagerangeintoafixedoutputvoltagevalue.Theefficiencyofthesecircuits ...,Inthissectionwewillanalysistheoperationof2:1switchedcapacitorDC-DCconverterandthelossmechanism.2.1Operationofswitchedcapacitorconver...