Germany vs Argentina 1-0 | Extended Highlights

Inthefinal,GermanydefeatedArgentina1–0afterextratimethankstoaMarioGötzehalf-volleyinthe113thminuteofthefinaltowinthetournamentand ...,The2014FIFAWorldCupfinalwasthefinalmatchofthe2014WorldCup,the20theditionofFIFA'scompetitionfornationalfootballte...。參考影片的文章的如下:


2014 FIFA World Cup

In the final, Germany defeated Argentina 1–0 after extra time thanks to a Mario Götze half-volley in the 113th minute of the final to win the tournament and ...

2014 FIFA World Cup final

The 2014 FIFA World Cup final was the final match of the 2014 World Cup, the 20th edition of FIFA's competition for national football teams.

Final | 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™

Watch the full replay from the match between Germany and Argentina played at Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro on Sunday, 13 July 2014.

Germany 1

Germany were crowned world champions for the fourth time after a stunning extra-time strike by substitute Mario Gotze secured a 1-0 victory over Argentina.

Germany 1

Germany were crowned world champions for the fourth time after a stunning extra-time strike by substitute Mario Gotze secured a 1-0 victory over Argentina.

When Mario Götze and Germany won the 2014 FIFA World ...

2022年7月13日 — His extra-time winner against Argentina in the FIFA World Cup final means he will always remembered for making Germany world champions for a ...


Inthefinal,GermanydefeatedArgentina1–0afterextratimethankstoaMarioGötzehalf-volleyinthe113thminuteofthefinaltowinthetournamentand ...,The2014FIFAWorldCupfinalwasthefinalmatchofthe2014WorldCup,the20theditionofFIFA'scompetitionfornationalfootballteams.,WatchthefullreplayfromthematchbetweenGermanyandArgentinaplayedatMaracanã,RiodeJaneiroonSunday,13July2014.,Germanywerecrownedworldchampionsforthef...