

In November 2015, Gogoro announced a $30 million round of investment from Panasonic and Taiwan's National Development Fund Archived 2016-12-04 at the Wayback ...

Gogoro's EV Dream Facing Major Headwinds|Industry|2020-07

Taiwanese electric scooter powerhouse Gogoro has talked of overseas expansion for years, but those plans have been put on hold.

[PDF] 物聯網BLE 認證機制設計的挑戰以Gogoro Smart Scooter 為例

介紹Bluetooth Low Energy、安全性分析流程. 2. Smartphone 透過BLE 控制IoT 裝置,需要一套認證機制. 3. BLE 4.0 配對有許多限制,許多廠商選擇不配對另設計認證機制.

[PDF] Gogoro Impact Report

Gogoro ⾞主社群並⾮由Gogoro 主導,Gogoro ⾞主社群. 是透過⾞主們⾃然⽽然形成的草根⼒量。 「快閃台北橋」是獲得全球關注的熱⾨社群活動。這項活動始於2016 年,是⼀⼩ ...

Gogoro 線上支援中心

Gogoro · Smartscooter® · Gogoro Network® · 尋找門市 · 網路商店 · 最新優惠; 支援服務. 支援服務中心快速上手的車輛操作與支援 · Gogoro Care始終如一的全方位車主 ... Gogoro Rewards · 鑰匙鎖在車廂了怎麼辦? · 帳單忘記繳款了怎麼辦? · 智慧電動機車

Gogoro flash mob attracts over 2000 riders in Taipei

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Electric scooter company Gogoro attracted over 2,000 riders for its annual flash mob at Taipei Bridge on Saturday ...

gogoro smartscooter EV launches sharing service in berlin

gogoro announced it was partnering with the new bosch subsidiary, coup, a smart electric scooter sharing service in berlin.


Beginning this summer, 600 Gogoro Smartscooters™ will be available in select Paris districts as part of the expansion of the Coup Scooter Sharing Service.

The Taipei Bridge Ride

Over 300 Smartscooters took to the Taipei Bridge, showing that it is possible for a crowded, polluted place to become quiet and clean.


睿能創意股份有限公司(英語:Gogoro Inc.)簡稱睿能創意(Gogoro),是一家開發、銷售電動機車及電池更換裝置的企業公司。Gogoro於在中華民國核可設立,代表人為 ...


InNovember2015,Gogoroannounceda$30millionroundofinvestmentfromPanasonicandTaiwan'sNationalDevelopmentFundArchived2016-12-04attheWayback ...,TaiwaneseelectricscooterpowerhouseGogorohastalkedofoverseasexpansionforyears,butthoseplanshavebeenputonhold.,介紹BluetoothLowEnergy、安全性分析流程.2.Smartphone透過BLE控制IoT裝置,需要一套認證機制.3.BLE4.0配對有許多限制,許多廠商選擇不配對另設計認證機制.,G...