14 DAYS TO GO! Zabivaka, Russia 2018's Official Mascot



An Official Mascot is born

Behind the scenes at the show An evening with Urgan where the Official Mascot of the 2018 FIFA World Cup was announced. The winner was the Wolf and its name is Zabivaka™.

An Official Mascot is born

Behind the scenes at the show An evening with Urgan where the Official Mascot of the 2018 FIFA World Cup was announced.

List of FIFA World Cup official mascots

2018 · Russia · Zabivaka, A wolf with a name that translates from Russian as The Goalscorer. Zabivaka wears red shorts and a blue and white T-shirt emblazoned ...

Mascot of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia

Mascot of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia. 47355 likes · 5 talking about this. Hi, I am Zabivaka, the Official Mascot of the FIFA World Cup Russia 2018!...

Russia's World Cup Mascot - The Grey Wolf

Fast-forward to the 2018 World Cup and hosts Russia have nominated the grey wolf as their FIFA mascot! The wolf mascot was designed by 21-year ...

Say hello to Zabivaka™, the Official Mascot of the 2018 FIFA World ...

He is a charming wolf who radiates fun and confidence. And he can't wait to greet you at the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 and the 2018 FIFA ...

UNSIGNED Official 2018 FIFA World Cup Zabivaka Mascot

Developed by student designer Ekaterina Bocharova, Zabivaka is a wolf whose name in Russian means “the one who scores”. France were crowned world champions at ...


Zabivaka (Russian: Забива́ка) was the official mascot of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, which was held in Russia. The name is a blend of the Russian words собака ...

ZABIVAKA mascot RUSSIA 2018 FIFA WORLD CUP figure ...

供應中 ZABIVAKA mascot RUSSIA 2018 FIFA WORLD CUP figure #3 PLASTIC rare ; Condition. Used ; Quantity. 1 available ; Item Number. 355875896505 ; Brand. Unbranded ; Sport.


BehindthescenesattheshowAneveningwithUrganwheretheOfficialMascotofthe2018FIFAWorldCupwasannounced.ThewinnerwastheWolfanditsnameisZabivaka™.,BehindthescenesattheshowAneveningwithUrganwheretheOfficialMascotofthe2018FIFAWorldCupwasannounced.,2018·Russia·Zabivaka,AwolfwithanamethattranslatesfromRussianasTheGoalscorer.ZabivakawearsredshortsandablueandwhiteT-shirtemblazoned ...,Mascotofthe2018FIFAWo...