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Search and compare over 25 million benchmark results from 3DMark, PCMark 10, and VRMark. ... Use our classic search to compare scores from older benchmarks.

Benchmarks and Performance Tests

Home of the world's best benchmarks and most popular performance tests including 3DMark, PCMark, Servermark, and VRMark. Get started with free downloads.

3DMark benchmark for Windows, Android and iOS

Benchmark your PC, tablet and smartphone with 3DMark, The Gamer's Benchmark. Free download, start benchmarking today. 3DMark for Android · How to download 3DMark... · 3DMark for iOS · PCMark 10


3DMark is a computer benchmarking tool created and developed by UL (formerly Futuremark), to determine the performance of a computer's 3D graphic rendering and ...


With its wide range of benchmark tests, 3DMark has everything you need to test your PC's performance. $34.99. Visit the Store Page. Most popular community and ...


3DMark is your benchmarking multitool for testing and comparing your gaming gear. Try out the demo first, or unlock its full potential immediately.


3DMark 拥有针对各种硬件和图形API 技术的游戏基准测试。 台式机、笔记本电脑、游戏掌上电脑、平板电脑还是手机? 光线追踪游戏与否? 测试您的GPU、SSD 或CPU?

3DMark - PCGamingWiki PCGW

3DMark is benchmark software for benchmarking systems, the main target is benchmarking 3d performance. The first 7 versions became completely free.


r/3DMark: This subreddit is for the submission and open discussion of scores achieved in any of the 3DMark benchmarking applications.

