
900+ 3D MAX Materials ideas in 2024

... Explore Sarah Mansour's board 3D MAX Materials, followed by 244 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about material textures, tiles texture, floor texture.

Adding Materials to Objects in the Scene

You add realism to scene objects by adding materials to their surfaces. Material texture can include information from bitmap images, as well as bump maps ...

Free Textures for 3D Artists

Compatible with Blender, Maya, Cinema4D, 3ds Max and more. Browse our free 3D texture library today. free Categories. View All undefined Categories. 55 Free ...


A texture, also known as a texture map, is an image used to add color and patterns to an object surface. For example, you could use a photo of sand to make an ...

Textures - V-Ray for 3ds Max

2024年2月20日 — The textures found in V-Ray for 3ds Max can be divided in groups based on the purposes they serve. General Textures.

Textures for 3D, graphic design and Photoshop!

Textures.com is a website that offers digital pictures of all sorts of materials.


...ExploreSarahMansour'sboard3DMAXMaterials,followedby244peopleonPinterest.Seemoreideasaboutmaterialtextures,tilestexture,floortexture.,Youaddrealismtosceneobjectsbyaddingmaterialstotheirsurfaces.Materialtexturecanincludeinformationfrombitmapimages,aswellasbumpmaps ...,CompatiblewithBlender,Maya,Cinema4D,3dsMaxandmore.Browseourfree3Dtexturelibrarytoday.freeCategories.ViewAllundefinedCategories...