
使用23.7 吋LG UltraFine 4K 顯示器來搭配Mac 或iPad

LG UltraFine 4K 顯示器需要搭配具備USB-C 埠或Thunderbolt 3(USB-C)埠並執行macOS Mojave 10.14.5 或以上版本的Mac,或是具有USB-C 埠的iPad。 3840 x 2160,60 Hz. 你可以 ...

Mac 4k Monitor

BenQ MA270U 27” 4K 3840x2160 Monitor for MacBook® Pro/Air, Dual USB-C, 90W Power Delivery, Mac Color Match, USB Hub, Brightness & Volume Control on Mac, Height ...


MA系列顯示器外觀設計時尚,完美融入MacBook的極簡風格。擁有4K高解析度,適合專業Mac工作者使用。此外,All In One的I/O連接埠設有雙HDMI、USB-A及雙USB-C連接埠, ...

就像Mac,綻放原色| 最適合MacBook的外接螢幕

MA系列是BenQ專為MacBook和MacBook Air打造的外接螢幕,綻放Mac原色,流暢銜接裝置,附帶USB TypeC 可為MacBook Pro和MacBook Air充電,為蘋果生態圈帶來新體驗。

LG UltraFine™ 5K & 4K Monitors for MacBook MacBook Pro

LG UltraFine™ 4K and 5K computer monitors are designed to pair perfectly with MacBook and MacBook Pro. Get the ready for the ultimate mac experience.

Best Mac monitors & displays 2025

The PD2725U is the first of its Mac monitors, offering a 27-inch screen with 4K resolution (3,840×2,160) for a competitive $899.99/£859.99, and ...

The 4 Best 4K Monitors of 2025

If you're a video-editing pro or love to watch high-res movies, the best 4K monitor is the Dell UltraSharp U2723QE.

What 4K monitor are you using with your mac?

The Mac Studio has 3 Dell Ultrasharp 4k 27 inch monitors. The two left monitors are set to 4k resolution. The right monitor is set to the scaled ...

Is a 4k 27 monitor enough? : rMacOS

4K 27 in 2560x1440 scaled resolution is great. I spend half my time on my computer using one, and the other half on my 16 MBPs Retina display.

The 5 Best Monitors For MacBook Pro And MacBook Air

The Acer Nitro XV275K P3biipruzx is the best monitor for MacBook Pro that we've tested. It has a sharp, detailed image and fantastic text clarity.


LGUltraFine4K顯示器需要搭配具備USB-C埠或Thunderbolt3(USB-C)埠並執行macOSMojave10.14.5或以上版本的Mac,或是具有USB-C埠的iPad。3840x2160,60Hz.你可以 ...,BenQMA270U27”4K3840x2160MonitorforMacBook®Pro/Air,DualUSB-C,90WPowerDelivery,MacColorMatch,USBHub,Brightness&VolumeControlonMac,Height ...,MA系列顯示器外觀設計時尚,完美融入MacBook的極簡風格。擁有4K高解析度,適合專業Mac工作者使用。此外,A...