Vinyl Record Sizes and Speeds | What does 33 – 45

TheDifferenceinVinylRecordSpeeds(33,45,and78records).33,45,78.Youmaythink–aretheserelatedtothemagicalnumbersfromLOST?Ifyouareanew ...,33,45,and78RPMisthespeedatwhichthemostcommoncommerciallyavailablevinylrecordsspinatrepresentedinrevolutionspermi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Vinyl Record Sizes and Speeds - What does 33 - 45

The Difference in Vinyl Record Speeds (33,45, and 78 records). 33, 45, 78. You may think – are these related to the magical numbers from LOST? If you are a new ...

Vinyl Record Sizes

33, 45, and 78 RPM is the speed at which the most common commercially available vinyl records spin at represented in revolutions per minute. The records ...

Phonograph record

For about half a century, the discs were commonly made from shellac and these records typically ran at a rotational speed of 78 rpm, giving it the nickname 78s ...

What Makes 78 RPM Records Different than 33s and 45s?

78 RPM records have a faster RPM speed than both 33 and 45 RPM records. 78s have wider grooves than vinyl records, which means that the stylus also needs to be wider. 78 RPM records are mono and are only heard through one channel. High-fidelity sounds are

Difference Between 33, 45, and 78 Records?

Entire rock concerts jammed into two sides of a vinyl record. With tighter grooves and a slower spin rate, the 33rpm records left the 78s in the dust. In just ...

Why 78, 45 and 33 13 record formats?

Since the grooves are so spaced out and the records spin so fast, a standard 10-inch 78 can't hold more than about 3 minutes of music per side. They are ...

Was the 78 record a single like a 45?

2023年11月8日 — A 78 holds about four and a half minutes of music. That's not too different from a 45 single, but of course 78s were around long before vinyl, ...

Vinyl Record Sizes

2024年1月11日 — The 45 RPM, with its shorter playtime, is perfect for singles, while the 78 RPM, being the oldest of the bunch, has a charm that appeals to ...


TheDifferenceinVinylRecordSpeeds(33,45,and78records).33,45,78.Youmaythink–aretheserelatedtothemagicalnumbersfromLOST?Ifyouareanew ...,33,45,and78RPMisthespeedatwhichthemostcommoncommerciallyavailablevinylrecordsspinatrepresentedinrevolutionsperminute.Therecords ...,Forabouthalfacentury,thediscswerecommonlymadefromshellacandtheserecordstypicallyranatarotationalspeedof78rpm,givingitthenickname78...
