
App Icon Generator

App icon Generator. Drag or select an app icon image (1024x1024) to generate different app icon sizes for all platforms. iOS and macOS.

App Icon Generator

This online service allows you to upload an image and generate all the standardized sizes and resolutions from it for both Android and iOS.

App Icon Generator

App Icon Generator is a streamlined online tool designed to simplify the process of creating app icons.

Create Round Icon

World's simplest online round icon maker. Just paste your PNG icon in the editor on the left, adjust the size and the fill color of the icon in the options, and ...


EasyAppIcon helps you to create your own app icons easily. Supporting Android Adaptive Icon! You can simply import the icons to Android Studio and Xcode.

How to generate rounded square launcher icon android

Generate icon via Android Studio. Right click on app > Go to Image Assets > Choose icon type and other properties > Click next and finish.

How to make an app icon rounded? - Discuss

You simply need to modify the shape of your icon in any photo editor to rounded and upload it to assets and set the app icon to the image you uploaded.

Icon Kitchen

Quickly generate app icons for Android, iOS, the Web and more.

Launcher icon generator - Android Asset Studio

error This page is no longer maintained. Switch to IconKitchen, the successor to the Android Asset Studio.


MakeAppIcon is an icon creator that resizes all iOS icons and Android icons. With our icon resizer, you can import app icons to Android Studio and Xcode in ...

