
2024年5月6日—Bertymakesprivacytheeasyoption.Bertyisanencryptedandofflinepeer-to-peermessengerwithNOcentralserver.,TheBertyProjectsarefullyopensource·Everyonecanaccessthesourcecodeoftheproject·Anyonecanconsult,review,submitchangesorenhancements, ...,Bertymessengerisdesignedtobeamessengerthatenablescommunicationthatcanwithstandtheobstaclesthatmaycomeourway.,Bertyisasecurepeer-to-peermessagingapp...

在App Store 上的「Berty Messenger」

2024年5月6日 — Berty makes privacy the easy option. Berty is an encrypted and offline peer-to-peer messenger with NO central server.

Berty · Berty Technologies

The Berty Projects are fully open source · Everyone can access the source code of the project · Anyone can consult, review, submit changes or enhancements, ...

Berty Messenger

Berty messenger is designed to be a messenger that enables communication that can withstand the obstacles that may come our way.

Berty is a secure peer-to

Berty is a secure peer-to-peer messaging app that works with or without internet access, cellular data or trust in the network - berty/berty.

Berty Messenger

2024年5月6日 — Berty 讓隱私成為簡單的選擇。 Berty 是一個加密的離線點對點信使,沒有中央服務器。連接或不連接互聯網,免費發送消息,避免監視和審查。 ⚠️免責聲明

Berty Technologies

Berty Technologies is dedicated to enabling seamless communication through peer-to-peer tools derived from the realm of decentralization .

berty (@thisisberty) • Instagram photos and videos

4191 Followers, 792 Following, 297 Posts - berty (@thisisberty) on Instagram: lifestyle brand for modern pet parents available at @douglas_cosmetics ...


This is a modern concept created for dogs in a way that matches your lifestyle. We develop products to make life easier and more enjoyable, not only for ...