Introduction to BigHugeLabs

Dofunstuffwithyourdigitalphotos.Createandprintfreepersonalizedmotivationalposters,calendars,movieposters,magazinecovers,badges,mosaics, ...TradingCard·MosaicMaker·Jigsaw·MagazineCover:Beasuperstar!,Makeyourownmagazinecover!Beasuperstar!Provetoyou...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Do fun stuff with your digital photos. Create and print free personalized motivational posters, calendars, movie posters, magazine covers, badges, mosaics, ... Trading Card · Mosaic Maker · Jigsaw · Magazine Cover: Be a superstar!

Magazine Cover: Be a superstar!

Make your own magazine cover! Be a superstar! Prove to your friends how famous you really are! All you need is a photo from that fancy digital camera of yours.


BigHugeLabs is a learner-centered online tool that allows students to create their own content through images and text. BigHugeLabs offers a variety of ...

Big Huge Labs | Logopedia

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Big Huge Labs

Where do I find it? What is it? Big Huge Labs allows you to be creative with your photos. How can I use it in my classroom?

bighugelabs photos on Flickr

Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the bighugelabs Flickr tag.


I am in love with this site. Easy and fun way to create magazine covers, inspirational posters, mapmaker, movie poster, customized jigsaw puzzles,.

Big Huge Labs

Cover · Big Huge Labs · Motivator Posters · Magazine Covers · Trading Cards · Movie Poster · Badge Maker · Cube.

Big Huge Labs

In addition they have many photo editing/photo enchancing tools: Bead Art, Jigsaw, FX, Mat, Wallpaper, Cube, Lolcat Generator, Framer, Color Palette, Pocket ...


Helping you do cool stuff with your digital photos since 2005.


Dofunstuffwithyourdigitalphotos.Createandprintfreepersonalizedmotivationalposters,calendars,movieposters,magazinecovers,badges,mosaics, ...TradingCard·MosaicMaker·Jigsaw·MagazineCover:Beasuperstar!,Makeyourownmagazinecover!Beasuperstar!Provetoyourfriendshowfamousyoureallyare!Allyouneedisaphotofromthatfancydigitalcameraofyours.,BigHugeLabsisalearner-centeredonlinetoolthatallowsstudentstocreatet...

Pically 1.0.3 輕鬆打造簡單實用的圖片月曆

Pically 1.0.3 輕鬆打造簡單實用的圖片月曆
