The FASTEST Way to SET UP PBR MATERIALS in Blender ...

Materialsareavailableinupto8K-sometimesevenlargerthanthat.AlltexturescomewithPBRmapsandtileseamlessly.ExploreAllPBRMaterials·Wood ...,EasyPBRisasetoftoolstosimplifytheprocessofcreatingandlayeringPBRshadersinBlender.It'spossibletodownloadPBRmateri...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Materials are available in up to 8K - sometimes even larger than that. All textures come with PBR maps and tile seamlessly. Explore All PBR Materials · Wood ...

Easy PBR

Easy PBR is a set of tools to simplify the process of creating and layering PBR shaders in Blender. It's possible to download PBR materials from AmbientCG ...

How to use PBR Textures in Blender

It isn't really needed to create realistic materials in Blender (especially with Cycles), but you can still use it to darken the tiny shadows in the surface.

Hundreds of 3D Texture Downloads

Download hundreds of free PBR materials and texture files for 3D work, CAD, video game design, VR visualization and more.

高質PBR Materials來源整合

以後都可以輕鬆應用到所有的Blender專案! 關於自製Texture.


Materialsareavailableinupto8K-sometimesevenlargerthanthat.AlltexturescomewithPBRmapsandtileseamlessly.ExploreAllPBRMaterials·Wood ...,EasyPBRisasetoftoolstosimplifytheprocessofcreatingandlayeringPBRshadersinBlender.It'spossibletodownloadPBRmaterialsfromAmbientCG ...,Itisn'treallyneededtocreaterealisticmaterialsinBlender(especiallywithCycles),butyoucanstilluseittodarkenthetinyshadowsinthesurfac...