
Red Hot Chili Peppers – Can't Stop Lyrics

Can't Stop Lyrics: Can't stop, addicted to the shindig / Chop Top, he says I'm gonna win big / Choose not a life of imitation / Distant cousin to the ...

紅辣椒- 不能停止[傳奇- 歌詞] (Red Hot Chili Peppers

v. 去、往;去做(運動);走;前往; 被裝入; 鳴響; 含有; 耗費; 賭; 忍耐; 進行; 約定的事情; 流行; 精力; 去 · n. 前往; 被裝入; 鳴響; 含有; 耗費; 賭; 忍耐; ...

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't Stop Lyrics

Can't stop, addicted to the shindig. Chop Top, he says I'm gonna win big. Choose not a life of imitation. Distant cousin to the reservation


CNBLUE Can't Stop 歌詞翻譯( 轉貼自CNBLUE樂團吧, 正確版本還是要以官方文主啦! ) Can't Stop 作詞鄭容和.Heaven Light 作曲鄭容和.

Can't Stop-歌詞-Red Hot Chili Peppers (嗆辣紅椒合唱團)

Red Hot Chili Peppers-Can't Stop Can't stop addicted to the shin dig. Cop top he says I'm gonna win big. Choose not a life of imitation

CAN'T STOP - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Can't Stop. Can't stop, addicted to the shindig. Chop Top, he says I'm gonna win big. Choose not a life of imitation. Distant cousin to the reservation

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't Stop:歌詞+中文翻譯

主要是講述著人生就是不斷的精進自己, 認真的去做好每件事,不要因為失敗而退縮, 任何偉大的成就都是來自不斷的努力換來的, 與其羨慕別人不如想著怎麼讓 ...

Can't Stop lyrics : rRedHotChiliPeppers

It's about life. Getting high, quitting getting high. Love and, ya know the whole shindig (as the young folks say) keep riding the wave, Can't ...

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't Stop (Lyrics)

Follow the official 7clouds playlist on Spotify : http://spoti.fi/2SJsUcZ ​ Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't Stop (Lyrics) ⏬ Download ...


Can'tStopLyrics:Can'tstop,addictedtotheshindig/ChopTop,hesaysI'mgonnawinbig/Choosenotalifeofimitation/Distantcousintothe ...,v.去、往;去做(運動);走;前往;被裝入;鳴響;含有;耗費;賭;忍耐;進行;約定的事情;流行;精力;去·n.前往;被裝入;鳴響;含有;耗費;賭;忍耐; ...,Can'tstop,addictedtotheshindig.ChopTop,hesaysI'mgonnawinbig.Choosenotalifeofimitation.Distantcousintothereservation,CNBLU...