Clearing Cookies and Passwords with CCleaner

UsingCCleanerProfessionaltocleanwebbrowsercookies:Thispagecoverswhatwebbrowsercookiesare,whattheymeanforyou,howCCleanermanagesthem, ...,CCleanerletsyoukeepcookiesforwebsitesyouoftenlogintothroughitsIntelligentScanfunction.IntelligentScanmakesitqu...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Select cookies to clean with CCleaner for Windows

Using CCleaner Professional to clean web browser cookies: This page covers what web browser cookies are, what they mean for you, how CCleaner manages them, ...

What is the Intelligent Scan function (for cookies)?

CCleaner lets you keep cookies for websites you often log in to through its Intelligent Scan function. Intelligent Scan makes it quick and easy to add ...

How can I save cookies from being deleted?

Go to CCleaner > Options > Cookies, then click on Cookies to Save. Click the add button to add a domain you wish to keep information for ...

In some browsers you can set up rules to manage cookies on a site-by-site basis, giving you more fine-grained control over your privacy. We do note, however, ...

CCleaner 3.0 清理磁碟軟體中文新版下載,清除系統垃圾變 ...

2010年10月29日 — 改進對於HTML 5緩存空間的清理能力,率先支援未來的網路應用程式清理。 新增對於Microsoft Silverlight緩存空間的清理功能。 新的智能Cookie掃描。 整體來 ...


2021年1月11日 — 在CCleaner中单击左侧清理图标,并在Windows选项卡中的Microsoft Edge和Internet Explorer下不勾选cookie复选框,如图1所标记处。


UsingCCleanerProfessionaltocleanwebbrowsercookies:Thispagecoverswhatwebbrowsercookiesare,whattheymeanforyou,howCCleanermanagesthem, ...,CCleanerletsyoukeepcookiesforwebsitesyouoftenlogintothroughitsIntelligentScanfunction.IntelligentScanmakesitquickandeasytoadd ...,GotoCCleaner>Options>Cookies,thenclickonCookiestoSave.Clicktheaddbuttontoaddadomainyouwishtokeepinformationfor ...,Insomebro...