Does Centipede Recharged Hold up to the Arcade Original?

Centipede:Rechargedhasbeenreimaginedformoderngameplay,withvibrantvisualsdesignedformodernscreens,a16:9fieldofplay,andanoriginalsoundtrack ...,Thisisaslower,moresurvival-focusedCentipede.LikealltheRechargedgames,themainmodeisanendlessgamewhereyouo...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Centipede: Recharged

Centipede: Recharged has been reimagined for modern gameplay, with vibrant visuals designed for modern screens, a 16:9 field of play, and an original soundtrack ...

Centipede: Recharged (Review)

This is a slower, more survival-focused Centipede. Like all the Recharged games, the main mode is an endless game where you only have one life.

Centipede: Recharged

供應中 · 充滿原創性的除蟲街機遊戲回來了!《Centipede: Recharged》全面重製,採用適合現代螢幕的16:9 生動視覺設計,並由獲獎電玩作曲家Megan McDuffee 譜寫原創 ...


Centipede: Recharged (簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, 日文) · 可在線上遊玩 · 1到2名玩家 · PS5版本. 支援震動功能(DualSense無線控制器) ...

Save 65% on Centipede

評分 4.5 (87) Blast bugs and chase high scores in this glorious revival of an old-school classic, all while jamming to a heart-pounding original score by Megan McDuffee.

Centipede: Recharged Reviews

評分 74% (7) Centipede: Recharged is a welcome modernization of a timeless arcade shooter. The classic '80s gameplay is fully intact, and the new power-ups and challenges ...

Centipede: Recharged for Nintendo Switch

A dozen new power-ups can give you an edge by introducing abilities like screen-clearing explosions, rail guns, and even slowing down time. Every mode and level ...

購買Centipede: Recharged

供應中 鼻祖級爆炸街機遊戲經典歸來!《Centipede: Recharged》迎合現代電玩進行了重構,加入了適用現代螢幕的勁爆視效,擁有16:9 的遊戲畫面,以及由屢獲殊榮的電子遊戲音樂製作 ...

Centipede Recharged - 4K Gameplay

Check out this gameplay of the brand new Atari game, Centipede Recharged. (Disclosure: Review code was provided by the publisher) Follow ...

Centipede: Recharged Announcement Trailer

The original bug-blasting arcade game is back! Centipede: Recharged has been reimagined for modern gameplay, with vibrant visuals designed ...


Centipede:Rechargedhasbeenreimaginedformoderngameplay,withvibrantvisualsdesignedformodernscreens,a16:9fieldofplay,andanoriginalsoundtrack ...,Thisisaslower,moresurvival-focusedCentipede.LikealltheRechargedgames,themainmodeisanendlessgamewhereyouonlyhaveonelife.,供應中·充滿原創性的除蟲街機遊戲回來了!《Centipede:Recharged》全面重製,採用適合現代螢幕的16:9生動視覺設計,並由獲獎電玩作曲家MeganMcD...