
Check battery level on your Pixel phone

Open your phone's Settings app. · Under Battery, see how much charge you have left, and about how long it will last. · For details, tap Battery. For more details ...

How to Check and Maintain Your Android Battery Health

Open the Phone app and dial *#*#4636#*#*; Tap Battery Information to see an overview of your battery's status, including health ...

How to check Android battery health

1. Open the Settings app on your phone, then select Battery. This option should be easy to find from the top tier menu, but you can also search ...

How to Check Battery Health in Android Phone?

5 天前 · Navigate to Settings on your Android phone, then choose the Battery option. The easiest way to find the Battery option is from the drop-down ...

How to check battery health of your Android mobile phone

Open the Phone app on your smartphone and input *#*#4636#*#* in the dial pad. In the testing menu that pops up, look for Battery Information ...

How to check battery health on your Android phone

Check your battery health from the Phone app · Open your Phone app and dial *#*#4636#*#*. · Your phone displays a screen after you enter the code. · Search for ...

How to Check the Battery Health on Android (And What to Do About It)

Open the phone app and enter *#*#4636#*#*. This will open a Testing menu that may include a Battery information section. You'll see the battery health ...

How to check your Android mobile phone's battery health

One of the best ways to gauge the battery consumption is to go to the Settings screen on your phone. Click on Battery > View detailed usage. Here, you can find ...

How to check your phone's battery health

Dial *#*#4636#*#* on your phone app to display the code in a hidden menu. If you see Battery information, tap this to check your phone's battery ...

You Can Now Check Battery Health on Android!

iPhones have always had the ability to check battery health from the Settings but that's one feature Android phones have been missing.


Openyourphone'sSettingsapp.·UnderBattery,seehowmuchchargeyouhaveleft,andabouthowlongitwilllast.·Fordetails,tapBattery.Formoredetails ...,OpenthePhoneappanddial*#*#4636#*#*;TapBatteryInformationtoseeanoverviewofyourbattery'sstatus,includinghealth ...,1.OpentheSettingsapponyourphone,thenselectBattery.Thisoptionshouldbeeasytofindfromthetoptiermenu,butyoucanalsosearch ...,5天前·NavigatetoSettingso...