Chrome Readability
Chrome Readability

2022年11月1日—LearnhowChromeworks,participateinorigintrials,andbuildwithChromeeverywhere....CodeReadabilityRequirements.bookmark_border ...,2024年4月24日—Recentreadabilityresearchdemonstratesthatpersonalizingthereadingexperiencecanimproveareader'...

Make your website more readable


** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Code Readability Requirements

2022年11月1日 — Learn how Chrome works, participate in origin trials, and build with Chrome everywhere. ... Code Readability Requirements. bookmark_border ...

Google Chrome Reading Mode Personalizes Web Content

2024年4月24日 — Recent readability research demonstrates that personalizing the reading experience can improve a reader's speed, accuracy, and comprehension.

Google Chrome's best-kept secret

2023年8月29日 — Google Chrome's free browser reading mode is a great new feature to support learners with reading difficulties.

Make your website more readable

2022年10月19日 — Low contrast texts make your website less readable for all users, even more so for users with vision deficiencies.

Reader View

Strips away clutter like buttons, background images, and changes the page's text size, contrast and layout for better readability.

Reader View

Strips away clutter like buttons, background images, and changes the page's text size, contrast and layout for better readability.

Rocket Readability

This extension simply parses web pages cutting out ads and unnecessary distractions leaving you with what you want: the content.

The Readability Extension for Firefox and Chrome

Readability is an extension for Firefox and Google Chrome that removes ads and other distractions from a web page. This can help your students focus on the ...

Use Reading mode in the Side panel

Manage Reading mode · On your computer, open Chrome Chrome . · Go to a website with text that you'd like to read. · At the top right, select More More and then ...


2022年11月1日—LearnhowChromeworks,participateinorigintrials,andbuildwithChromeeverywhere....CodeReadabilityRequirements.bookmark_border ...,2024年4月24日—Recentreadabilityresearchdemonstratesthatpersonalizingthereadingexperiencecanimproveareader'sspeed,accuracy,andcomprehension.,2023年8月29日—GoogleChrome'sfreebrowserreadingmodeisagreatnewfeaturetosupportlearnerswithreadingdifficulties.,2022年...