



詳細資料 · 版本. 1.4.7 · 已更新. · 回報疑慮 · 提供者. WangJie · 大小. 1.53MiB · 語言. 3 種語言. Deutsch, English, 中文(简体) · 開發人員. 電子郵件. i@i8e.


OneTab - Take your browser up a notch. The OneTab extension consists of only what you need right at your fingertips.


節省高達95%的記憶體,並減輕分頁混亂現象. 當您發現自己有太多的分頁時,按一下OneTab圖示,將所有分頁轉換成一個清單。當您需要再次訪問這些分頁時, ...


Save up to 95% memory and reduce tab clutter. Whenever you find yourself with too many tabs, click the OneTab icon to convert all of your tabs into a list.

OneTab - Chrome Webstore

This tool is for the Chrome Browser and whenever you find yourself with too many tabs, click the 'OneTab' icon to convert all of your tabs into a simple list.

OneTab extension for Google Chrome and Firefox

OneTab lets you easily export and import your tabs as a list of URLs. You can also create a web page from your list of tabs, so that you can easily share your ...

OneTab Extension for Google Chrome Save up to 95% Memory ...

OneTab is a free tab manager tool for individuals who need to tidy up their tabs quickly. Furthermore, OneTab will shut all open tabs in your current window.

Anybody using OneTab...and have any proscons to share?

It lets you save a bunch of tabs for later without having to bookmark every single one. The saved tabs persist even if you close Chrome or turn ...

How to Use One Tab Chrome Extension to Reduce Tab Clutter

Get your FREE Profitable Content Newsletter Here: When you subscribe, you get access to: ✓ The ...

One Tab Chrome Extension

Learn how to use the OneTab Chrome Extension to keep and organize tabs in Chrome, group tabs, and access all of them at once.


詳細資料·版本.1.4.7·已更新.·回報疑慮·提供者.WangJie·大小.1.53MiB·語言.3種語言.Deutsch,English,中文(简体)·開發人員.電子郵件.i@i8e.,OneTab-Takeyourbrowserupanotch.TheOneTabextensionconsistsofonlywhatyouneedrightatyourfingertips.,節省高達95%的記憶體,並減輕分頁混亂現象.當您發現自己有太多的分頁時,按一下OneTab圖示,將所有分頁轉換成一個清單。當您需要再次訪問這些分頁時, ...,Saveupto95%memoryandred...