

ClipClip is free clipboard manager software for Windows that makes it possible to copy multiple texts, images or files to your clipboard.

Download File Copy

Copy My Data is a free utility that lets you transfer data from one phone to another through the use of Wi-Fi. This cloning app from Media Mushroom allows.


FastCopy is the Fastest Copy/Backup Software on Windows · It supports UNICODE and over MAX_PATH (260 characters) file pathnames.

File Copy Software for Windows

Professional File Copy Utility for Windows. Free Download. Copy multiple files between two or more locations in seconds. ViceVersa PRO works with all media: ...

File Copy Software for Windows 1011

2023年8月9日 — TeraCopy is a free file copier designed as an alternative to copy and paste large files at a high speed. The program is used for frequent file ...

List of file copying software

This article provides a list of inbuilt and third party file copying and moving software - utilities and other software used, as part of computer file ...


2024年2月12日 — Reference article for the robocopy command, which copies file data from one location to another.


Teracopy, free and safe download. Teracopy latest version: Copy and move files faster and more easily.

TeraCopy for Windows

Official site of TeraCopy, a free utility designed to copy files faster and more secure. It can verify copied files to ensure they are identical.



TeraCopy 3.9.2 檔案傳輸的專家級工具

TeraCopy 3.9.2 檔案傳輸的專家級工具

在古早以前的作業系統,嚴格來說應該是XP與Windows7的時候,那時候檔案複製移動是沒有排序的,若你執行很多個檔案讀取的動作,他會全部都一起執行,導致速度變成非常的慢,那時候就有TeraCopy或 Fastcopy這類的...