Diablo III Season 25

2021年12月11日—InSeason25,playerscanembraceevilbyinfusingthemselveswiththeessencesofTheLordsofHell.PlayerswillembarkontheirSeason ...,2021年12月11日—Season25introducesanewtypeofsocketableitemcalledSoulShards.Nephalemcanfind7uniqueSoulShards,based...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Season 25 - The Lords of Hell

2021年12月11日 — In Season 25, players can embrace evil by infusing themselves with the essences of The Lords of Hell. Players will embark on their Season ...

Season 25 - The Lords of Hell

2021年12月11日 — Season 25 introduces a new type of socketable item called Soul Shards. Nephalem can find 7 unique Soul Shards, based on the Lords of Hell, which ...

All Diablo 3 Season 25 Guides (Patch 2.7.2)

2021年12月11日 — Season 25 is upon us and we have have you covered with all the guides youll need! The new Soul Shards are changing things up significantly, ...

Season 25 Compendium for Diablo 3

2021年11月30日 — Season 25 introduces a new type of socketable items called Soul Shards, along with a slew of set and legendary item changes, as well as new ...

Season 25 Tier List Maxroll

2021年12月9日 — Everything is gonna do 150s this season. It's more of their ceiling potential and how much harder one class has to work than another. I wouldn' ...

Diablo III Season 25 Live Now

2021年12月11日 — Diablo III Season 25 went live this weekend. Here is a short summary of what's new this season and the official notes.


2021年12月11日—InSeason25,playerscanembraceevilbyinfusingthemselveswiththeessencesofTheLordsofHell.PlayerswillembarkontheirSeason ...,2021年12月11日—Season25introducesanewtypeofsocketableitemcalledSoulShards.Nephalemcanfind7uniqueSoulShards,basedontheLordsofHell,which ...,2021年12月11日—Season25isuponusandwehavehaveyoucoveredwithalltheguidesyoullneed!ThenewSoulShardsarechangingthingsupsignific...