Disguise Folders
Disguise Folders

Addingaprojectfolder:·Clickthesettingsicon+·Click+AddDisguiseProjectsfolderinthedropdownselectionandselectanewfolder.,2023年5月6日—DisguiseFoldersisafreetoolthatletsyouhideyoursecretfoldersandallowsyoutocamouflagethemassystemfolders,inWindows ......


Asimplepluginforobsidian.mdthathidesconfiguredfolders,withtheabilitytotoggletheirvisibility.Thiscanbeusedforhidingattachmentsfolderswhen ...

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Adding and removing project folders

Adding a project folder: · Click the settings icon + · Click + Add Disguise Projects folder in the drop down selection and select a new folder.

Camouflage your secret folders using Disguise Folders for ...

2023年5月6日 — Disguise Folders is a free tool that lets you hide your secret folders and allows you to camouflage them as system folders, in Windows ...

Download Disguise Folders

Disguise Folders is a tiny and portable Windows app that enables users to disguise folders in a clever manner, by making them look like system apps.

Hide Folders

Hide Folders is a software application which enables you to password protect all the private information on your hard drive. You can swiftly make your files ...

How to hide folders on Windows 11

2023年7月3日 — How to unhide the folders on Windows 11 · 1. Launch File Explorer · 2. Click view · 3. Click Hidden Items · 4. Select the file · 5. Uncheck ...


A simple plugin for obsidian.md that hides configured folders, with the ability to toggle their visibility. This can be used for hiding attachments folders when ...


Addingaprojectfolder:·Clickthesettingsicon+·Click+AddDisguiseProjectsfolderinthedropdownselectionandselectanewfolder.,2023年5月6日—DisguiseFoldersisafreetoolthatletsyouhideyoursecretfoldersandallowsyoutocamouflagethemassystemfolders,inWindows ...,DisguiseFoldersisatinyandportableWindowsappthatenablesuserstodisguisefoldersinaclevermanner,bymakingthemlooklikesystemapps.,HideFoldersisasoftwareapp...