
Donkey Kong Country 2

It was re-released for the Game Boy Advance (GBA) in 2004. The game was made available for download on the Virtual Console for the Wii and Wii U in 2007 and ...

101% instead of 102% - Donkey Kong Country 2

2009年11月1日 — I recently completed the game, and I only got 101% instead of 102%. But I completed all the bonus areas, and I got all 40 Hero Coins.

Donkey Kong Country 2 (Game Boy Advance)

In the 102% ending, Funky Kong flies over in the Gyrocopter and drops a bomb on his raft, destroying it. K. Rool vows revenge as he sinks. GameplayEdit.

I beat Donkey Kong Country 2 102% yesterday. Here's the ...

2021年9月1日 — My guess is DKC 2 had “102%” as a follow up concept (along with a screen that shows its age at the ending, which needed to be completed. DKC 2 ...


Itwasre-releasedfortheGameBoyAdvance(GBA)in2004.ThegamewasmadeavailablefordownloadontheVirtualConsolefortheWiiandWiiUin2007and ...,2009年11月1日—Irecentlycompletedthegame,andIonlygot101%insteadof102%.ButIcompletedallthebonusareas,andIgotall40HeroCoins.,Inthe102%ending,FunkyKongfliesoverintheGyrocopteranddropsabombonhisraft,destroyingit.K.Roolvowsrevengeashesinks.GameplayEdit.,2021年9月1日—Mygu...
