
Google Drive Destination

Duplicati supports using Google Drive as a storage destination. Note that Duplicati stores compressed and encrypted volumes in Google Drive ...

Google Drive Paths not working - Support

I'm using this path: googledrive://My Drive/_BACKUPS/ONYX And can't get it to recognize a folder that already exists.

Duplicati and Google Drive paths

Is there any way to get Duplicati to see files and folders that have been created using Google's GDrive tools (for moving and copying files within the drive)?

How to set the server path of Google Drive

You first decide where you want the backup. Type that in with a minimum number of forward slashes, and let Duplicati do its folder creation.

Is there a guide how to setup backup to google drive?

What path i have to enter for google drive? How the path should look? What are the more secure settings i could use for my setup? I see that ...

Google Drive Storage Path. How to change it? - Support

Edit “Path on server” to point to the new location, and also use How to Move a Google Drive Folder (or similar) to move the destination folder there.

Duplicati cant recognize existing folders in team shared google drives

When I attempt to use Duplicati to upload a file to an existing folder, it doesn't recognize the folder's existence. Instead, it suggests creating a new folder.

Unable to specify path when using google drive

When I choose google drive as my backup location, I'm able to get a working test connection when I specify no path.

Google Drive

The Path on server field for Google Drive does not pick up shared / Shared with me folders. Trying to backup files and folders into a Google ...

How To Backup Data on Cloud Drive | Duplicati 2 Google ...

In this video, we'll show you how to back up your data to cloud drives like Google Drive and restore it to its original location. Duplicati ...


DuplicatisupportsusingGoogleDriveasastoragedestination.NotethatDuplicatistorescompressedandencryptedvolumesinGoogleDrive ...,I'musingthispath:googledrive://MyDrive/_BACKUPS/ONYXAndcan'tgetittorecognizeafolderthatalreadyexists.,IsthereanywaytogetDuplicatitoseefilesandfoldersthathavebeencreatedusingGoogle'sGDrivetools(formovingandcopyingfileswithinthedrive)?,Youfirstdecidewhereyouwantthebackup.T...
