DxO Optics Pro 9 Demonstration

DxOOpticsProversion1wasborn.Thiswasthepredecessoroftoday'sDxOPhotoLab,builttogivepassionatephotographersacompletelynewlevelofimage ...,DxOOpticsProisaprogramwhichautomaticallyandcompletelycorrectsforlensdistortion(evenfromfisheyes),colorfringinga...。參考影片的文章的如下:


20 years ago, something remarkable happened

DxO Optics Pro version 1 was born. This was the predecessor of today's DxO PhotoLab, built to give passionate photographers a completely new level of image ...

DxO Optics Pro Software

DxO Optics Pro is a program which automatically and completely corrects for lens distortion (even from fisheyes), color fringing and vignetting, and even ...

DxO OpticsPro for Photos on the Mac App Store

評分 2.0 (3) DxO OpticsPro for Photos is designed to provide a seamless image processing workflow for Photographers who are on a Mac, and use OS X Photos as their ...

DxO photo editing software

Unlock your potential with DxO's advanced, award-winning photo editing software: PhotoLab, ViewPoint, PureRAW, FilmPack, and Nik Collection.


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DxO最新專業影像編輯工具OpticsPro 11 限免下載中

唯一要注意的是免費序號無法獲得以後任何更新升級,但DxO OpticsPro 11 是目前最新版,撐個幾年絕對沒問題。另外介面只有英文語系,還不支援中文。

DxO最新專業影像編輯工具OpticsPro 11 限免下載中

但這篇不是要介紹又有哪一支手機打破新記錄,而是他們自家公司的DxO OpticsPro 11 最新版專業影像編輯軟體首次推出限免活動(原價129 美金,約台幣3,900 元), ...

[限免] [軟體] Mac、Windows都能用!! 『DxO Optics Pro 11』降噪

[限免] [軟體] Mac、Windows都能用!! 『DxO Optics Pro 11』降噪、智能補光的修圖大手限時免費中! (原價129美金).

原價199美元DxO OpticsPro 9 專業級影像處理軟體限免中!

DxO Labs是著名的相機與鏡頭評測機構,近日與Digital Camera UK 雜誌合作,共同合作舉辦RAW相片處理軟體《DxO OpticsPro 9》限時免費活動,只要在2月28日前透過活動網站 ...

在Mac App Store 上的「DxO OpticsPro for Photos」

評分 2.0 (3) 這只是Photos 的外掛模組,可調整的選項很少,所以基本上就是試用看看,剛好是你要的效果就套用。如果你像我以Photos 作為主要的整理照片工具,反正價錢不貴可以試看看,對我來 ...


DxOOpticsProversion1wasborn.Thiswasthepredecessoroftoday'sDxOPhotoLab,builttogivepassionatephotographersacompletelynewlevelofimage ...,DxOOpticsProisaprogramwhichautomaticallyandcompletelycorrectsforlensdistortion(evenfromfisheyes),colorfringingandvignetting,andeven ...,評分2.0(3)DxOOpticsProforPhotosisdesignedtoprovideaseamlessimageprocessingworkflowforPhotographerswhoareonaMac,anduseOSXPhoto...