Are you ready for it? AI in Edpuzzle by Laney Rogers

Edpuzzleisaweb-basedplatformthatprovideseasyaccesstohigh-quality,subject-specificvideolessonsaswellastoolsandevidence-basedsuggestionsto ...,EasilycreatebeautifulinteractivevideolessonsforyourstudentsyoucanintegraterightintoyourLMS.Trackstudents'...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Learning Science and Edpuzzle: The Evidence

Edpuzzle is a web-based platform that provides easy access to high-quality, subject-specific video lessons as well as tools and evidence-based suggestions to ...


Easily create beautiful interactive video lessons for your students you can integrate right into your LMS. Track students' progress with hassle-free ...

Empower your school with one video learning platform

As your all-in-one video platform, Edpuzzle enables you to create engaging learning experiences for your students and streamline video use across your school or ...


EdPuzzle is a free assessment-centered tool that allows teachers and students to create interactive online videos by embedding either open-ended or multiple- ...


Edpuzzle provides tools to embed questions, audio or images in a video. In just three steps, teachers can use YouTube videos as part of their lessons.


Edpuzzle is a web-based interactive video and formative assessment tool that lets users crop existing online videos and add content to target specific learning ...

EdPuzzle – A Perfect Cross

EdPuzzle is an interactive, online tool that has come to prominence in recent years. It is a cross-sectoral tool that has equal benefits for teachers and ...

Edpuzzle Review for Teachers

評分 4.0 (46) Edpuzzle is a web-based tool for editing online videos and adding interactive content to target specific learning objectives. Teachers can upload their own ...

Creating Interactive Learning Videos with Edpuzzle

By the end of this project, you will be ready to use Edpuzzle to make video learning content more interactive to improve student learning.

Edpuzzle Software Reviews, Demo & Pricing

評分 4.6 (26) Edpuzzle is a learning management system (LMS), which enables K-12 schools to create video lessons with voice narration, questions and audio notes.


Edpuzzleisaweb-basedplatformthatprovideseasyaccesstohigh-quality,subject-specificvideolessonsaswellastoolsandevidence-basedsuggestionsto ...,EasilycreatebeautifulinteractivevideolessonsforyourstudentsyoucanintegraterightintoyourLMS.Trackstudents'progresswithhassle-free ...,Asyourall-in-onevideoplatform,Edpuzzleenablesyoutocreateengaginglearningexperiencesforyourstudentsandstreamlinevideouseacr...