Eminem's FASTEST Songs Of All-Time #Eminem ...

2023年10月17日—Legendaryhip-hopiconEminemachievedthefastestrapinahitsingleandcansqueeze225wordsintoasingle30-secondsegment-averaging ...,2020年1月24日—'Godzilla'marksthethirdtimeEminemhasheldtherecordforfastestrap:on2013's'RapGod'hespatout157syll...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Eminem, the fastest rapper of all time, can spit out 7.5 ...

2023年10月17日 — Legendary hip-hop icon Eminem achieved the fastest rap in a hit single and can squeeze 225 words into a single 30-second segment - averaging ...

Eminem Breaks World Record for Fastest Rap Verse with ' ...

2020年1月24日 — 'Godzilla' marks the third time Eminem has held the record for fastest rap: on 2013's 'Rap God' he spat out 157 syllables in just 16.3 seconds ( ...

TIL Eminem holds the record for fastest rap verse ...

2023年5月29日 — Eminem's third verse on the track holds the record for his fastest rap verse, rapping 11 syllables per second, or 222 words in 30 seconds.


2023年10月17日—Legendaryhip-hopiconEminemachievedthefastestrapinahitsingleandcansqueeze225wordsintoasingle30-secondsegment-averaging ...,2020年1月24日—'Godzilla'marksthethirdtimeEminemhasheldtherecordforfastestrap:on2013's'RapGod'hespatout157syllablesinjust16.3seconds( ...,2023年5月29日—Eminem'sthirdverseonthetrackholdstherecordforhisfastestrapverse,rapping11syllablespersecond,or222wordsin30se...
