
emojidex-webprovidesavarietyoftoolsandwidgetstoquicklyincorporateemojidexintoanywebsiteorJavaScriptbasedapp.It'swritteninCoffeeScriptand ...,Emojiimagesfromemojidexarepartofanemojiasaserviceplatform,whichcanbeusedonanywebsiteorappthatincludestheemojidexlibraries.2017-08-21·New·Changed·2016,ArchivewidgetsandjQueryextensionstouseemojidexonawebsite.JavaScript165emojidexemojidexPublicCoretoolsfore...


emojidex-web provides a variety of tools and widgets to quickly incorporate emojidex into any website or JavaScript based app. It's written in CoffeeScript and ...

emojidex Emoji List

Emoji images from emojidex are part of an emoji as a service platform, which can be used on any web site or app that includes the emojidex libraries. 2017-08-21 · New · Changed · 2016


Archive widgets and jQuery extensions to use emojidex on a web site. JavaScript 16 5 emojidex emojidex Public Core tools for emojidex / full emojidex toolkit ...

Core tools for emojidex full emojidex toolkit written in Ruby

emojidex isn't just a set of emoji and some tools, it's a full service that allows anyone to register their own emoji and for anyone else to use them. emojidex ...

Emojidex Emoji Library – Emoji Set

Emojidex Emoji Library is an Emoji Set of 4,082 emojis. It is exclusively made up of color emojis. Every single icon is an emoji, corresponding to the ...

emojidex | RubyGems.org

RubyGems.org 是Ruby 社群的Gem 套件管理服務,讓您能立即地發佈及安裝您的Gem 套件,並且利用API 查詢及操作可用Gem 的詳細資訊。 現在就成為貢獻者,貢獻一己之力來改善 ...


emojidexはサービスを一時停止しました。 今後、新しいサービスとして復活する予定です。 ありがとうございました。 emojidex has temporarily suspended service.


emojidex-web provides a variety of tools and widgets to quickly incorporate emojidex into any website or JavaScript based app. It's written in ...