How to cut or trim video using ffmpeg

2021年6月23日—RecentlyIwasworkingoncapturingvideousingOBS,andwantedaneasymethodtotrimand,insomecases,concatenate(combine)videos.This ...,2021年1月1日—HieveryoneIsthereanygoodsoftwaretocutanypartofmkvvideowithoutlosingquality?Thankyou!...ffmpeg-im...。參考影片的文章的如下:



2021年6月23日 — Recently I was working on capturing video using OBS, and wanted an easy method to trim and, in some cases, concatenate (combine) videos. This ...

Best software for cutting mkv video part without re

2021年1月1日 — Hi everyone Is there any good software to cut any part of mkv video without losing quality ? Thank you ! ... ffmpeg -i movie.mkv -ss 600 -t 300 ...

How to trim a video using FFmpeg

2021年6月27日 — Use FFmpeg to trim the start, end or middle of a video to create shorter segments.

Cutting multimedia files based on start and end time using ...

2013年8月26日 — The fastest and best ffmpeg-based method I have figured out is: ffmpeg -ss 00:01:00 -to 00:02:00 -i input.mp4 -c copy output.mp4.

Use ffmpeg to cut mkv file

2014年4月16日 — I tried to cut MKV video file by following command in Linux mint 16. ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:39:05 -t 00:03:03 out.

Using ffmpeg to cut up mkv video

2012年9月20日 — 1 Answer 1 ... Read as: Input MKV video, encode 4:20 minutes, copy audio and video bitstream and save them to output file. ... Of course, you can ...


2019年3月24日 — I have an MKV video, and want to cut the first 3 seconds. I tried with FFmpeg: ffmpeg -i /input.mkv -ss 00:00:3.0 -c copy -t 00:09:58.0 output.

Can't trim a MKV file accurately without re

2023年2月28日 — Is there ANY way to trim it accurately without re-encoding and no issues, either by using ffmpeg or another program? Thank you in advance!

Some help me to cut mkv file with startend point

2020年6月25日 — I need some command to cut with start/end point. It's for a mkv file. ffmpeg.


2021年6月23日—RecentlyIwasworkingoncapturingvideousingOBS,andwantedaneasymethodtotrimand,insomecases,concatenate(combine)videos.This ...,2021年1月1日—HieveryoneIsthereanygoodsoftwaretocutanypartofmkvvideowithoutlosingquality?Thankyou!...ffmpeg-imovie.mkv-ss600-t300 ...,2021年6月27日—UseFFmpegtotrimthestart,endormiddleofavideotocreateshortersegments.,2013年8月26日—Thefastestandbestffmpeg-basedm...
