FiveM QB

Ihaveasmallissue.Icannotfind2ofmy3ownedvehiclesafterclosingthegameandnotstoringtheminagarage.,Createsavehiclewiththespecifiedmodelatthespecifiedposition.Thisvehiclewillinitiallybeownedbythecreatingscriptasamissionentity, ...,...vehicle`longtextNO...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Cannot Find Owned Vehicle

I have a small issue. I cannot find 2 of my 3 owned vehicles after closing the game and not storing them in a garage.


Creates a vehicle with the specified model at the specified position. This vehicle will initially be owned by the creating script as a mission entity, ...

esx_jb_eden_garage2SQLsowned_vehicles.sql at master

... vehicle` longtext NOT NULL, `owner` varchar(60) NOT NULL, `stored` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'State of the vehicle', `garage_name` varchar(50) ...


2024年2月7日 — Contribute to sesipod/FiveM development by creating an account on GitHub ... vehicles` ( `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL, `model` varchar(60) NOT ...


Returns whether the specified ped is in any vehicle. If `atGetIn` is set to true, also returns true if the ped is currently in the process of entering a ...


FiveM Docs / Native Reference. API Set: all ... // SetVehicleHasBeenOwnedByPlayer void SET_VEHICLE_HAS_BEEN_OWNED_BY_PLAYER(Vehicle vehicle, BOOL owned);.

[Release][ESX] Give or delete owned vehicle to database ...

2020年3月6日 — Description: This plugin you can give vehicle with custom or random plate number into player's garage with command, also you can delete a ...


Ihaveasmallissue.Icannotfind2ofmy3ownedvehiclesafterclosingthegameandnotstoringtheminagarage.,Createsavehiclewiththespecifiedmodelatthespecifiedposition.Thisvehiclewillinitiallybeownedbythecreatingscriptasamissionentity, ...,...vehicle`longtextNOTNULL,`owner`varchar(60)NOTNULL,`stored`tinyint(1)NOTNULLDEFAULT'0'COMMENT'Stateofthevehicle',`garage_name`varchar(50) ...,2024年2月7日—Contributetose...