


Download the Latest Version

2024年6月23日 — Downloads the newest FreeFileSync for local installation and FreeFileSync portable for use on USB sticks.

FreeFileSync Automatic Sync and Its Alternative

2022年11月10日 — This article will detail how to set a FreeFileSync automatic sync task as well as introduce you to FreeFileSync alternative.


FreeFileSync is a folder comparison and synchronization software that creates and manages backup copies of all your important files. Instead of copying every ...

Is there a checkbox for Automatic Updates?

Auto-update is only available in the Donation Edition. So by definition, if you *can* auto-update it will always install the Donation Edition. If you manually ...


This can be used to integrate RealTimeSync into the operating system's auto start: ... Example: Automatic synchronization when a USB stick is inserted. Save ...


... automatically. Generally, the goal is to execute a command line of the form ... Create a new shortcut, enter the command line from above as target and place it ...

Schedule Batch Jobs

The FreeFileSync batch job can be started by double-clicking on the ffs_batch file or it can be set up in your operating system's scheduler: Windows Task ...


2024年6月23日—DownloadsthenewestFreeFileSyncforlocalinstallationandFreeFileSyncportableforuseonUSBsticks.,2022年11月10日—ThisarticlewilldetailhowtosetaFreeFileSyncautomaticsynctaskaswellasintroduceyoutoFreeFileSyncalternative.,FreeFileSyncisafoldercomparisonandsynchronizationsoftwarethatcreatesandmanagesbackupcopiesofallyourimportantfiles.Insteadofcopyingevery ...,Auto-updateisonlyavailableint...

FreeFileSync 13.7 檔案同步免費軟體

FreeFileSync 13.7 檔案同步免費軟體
