
Inmusic,notablyinjazz,aghostnoteisamusicalnotewitharhythmicvalue,butnodiscerniblepitchwhenplayed.Inmusicalnotation,thisis ...,Designingandbuildinghardwareandsoftwareformusiciansandaudioprofessionals.,HeadedbySnarkyPuppy'smulti-Grammy–winningpercussionduoofRobert“Sput”SearightandNateWerth,Ghost-Noteisanexplosionofsound.,ElcurrículodelosmúsicosqueformanGhostNoteimpresionaporsísolo:Prince,SnoopDo...

Ghost note

In music, notably in jazz, a ghost note is a musical note with a rhythmic value, but no discernible pitch when played. In musical notation, this is ...

Ghost Note Audio

Designing and building hardware and software for musicians and audio professionals.


Headed by Snarky Puppy's multi-Grammy–winning percussion duo of Robert “Sput” Searight and Nate Werth, Ghost-Note is an explosion of sound.


El currículo de los músicos que forman Ghost Note impresiona por sí solo: Prince, Snoop Dogg, Herbie Hancock, Erykah Badu, Kendrick Lamar, Toto y Justin ...


Ghost-Note is a percussion-based funk, hip hop and jazz fusion group from Dallas, Texas, with a rotating membership based around founding drummer Robert ...


Ghostnote 2®. The powerful todo and notes app just got a complete revamp. Support MacOS Catalina. Watch Video · Download Free Trial ...

Ghostnote — your idea

Ghostnote 是一個透過購買和銷售實體商品和原創作品來支持音樂家和藝術家的平台。從獨一無二的創作到簽名收藏品,粉絲可以購買和轉售物品,並支持他們最喜歡的藝術家。


The Ghostnote app is a must-have for listing items, authenticating collectibles, claiming ownership, and more. Apple App ...

什麼是Ghost Note?(幽靈音?鬼音?)

Ghost Note並沒有適當的中文名稱可以對應,因此有人稱為幽靈音或鬼音,在本文當中有時以Ghost簡稱。 用一句話來形容Ghost Note,就是「介於被聽見與沒被聽見之間」的 ...