How to set up email forwarding in Gmail

ClicktheForwardingandPOP/IMAPtab.IntheForwardingsection,selectForwardacopyofincomingmailto.ChoosewhatyouwanttohappenwiththeGmail ...,AutoforwardemailmessagesfromGmailtoanyotheremailaddress.Justcreateasearchruleandtheaddonwillautomaticallybulk-for...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Automatically forward Gmail messages to another account

Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. In the Forwarding section, select Forward a copy of incoming mail to. Choose what you want to happen with the Gmail ...

Email Forwarder

Auto forward email messages from Gmail to any other email address. Just create a search rule and the addon will automatically bulk-forward all matching email ...

Forward email for Gmail - Chrome Web Store

This is a quick way to select all the emails you'd like forwarded, and send them off to 1 recipient with a click of a button.

How to automatically forward Gmail messages to another ...

2023年10月2日 — In the Forwarding section, click Add a forwarding address. Enter the email address you want to forward messages to. Click Next > Proceed OK. A ...

How to configure email forwarding in Gmail

2023年10月2日 — Sign in to Gmail. Navigate to Settings > See all settings. Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. In the Forwarding section, ...

How to forward emails in Gmail (A Step-by

2023年7月25日 — In the “Forwarding” section, select “Forward a copy of incoming mail to”. And choose the email address to which you wish to forward your ...

How to Forward Emails in Gmail Manually & Automatically

2022年9月9日 — In the Forwarding section, click on the Add a forwarding address button. This will open up a popup window where you can add the email ...

Managing Forwarding

You can use Settings to configure forwarding for an account. To be used as a forwarding email address, an address must fulfill one of the following criteria.

Redirect or forward Gmail messages to another user

As a Google Workspace admin, you can automatically redirect or forward incoming messages sent to one person in your organization, to one or more other ...


ClicktheForwardingandPOP/IMAPtab.IntheForwardingsection,selectForwardacopyofincomingmailto.ChoosewhatyouwanttohappenwiththeGmail ...,AutoforwardemailmessagesfromGmailtoanyotheremailaddress.Justcreateasearchruleandtheaddonwillautomaticallybulk-forwardallmatchingemail ...,Thisisaquickwaytoselectalltheemailsyou'dlikeforwarded,andsendthemoffto1recipientwithaclickofabutton.,2023年10月2日—IntheForwa...