Clean Code #03 God Object Antipattern

2021年5月6日—定义.在面向对象编程领域,上帝对象(Godobject)是一个了解过多或者负责过多的对象。上帝对象是反模式(anti-pattern)和代码异味(codesmell)的例子 ...,Agodobject(sometimesalsocalledanomniscientorall-knowingobject)isanobjectthatreferencesalargen...。參考影片的文章的如下:


搬砖方法论:上帝对象(God Object) 原创

2021年5月6日 — 定义. 在面向对象编程领域,上帝对象(God object)是一个了解过多或者负责过多的对象。 上帝对象是反模式(anti-pattern) 和代码异味(code smell)的例子 ...

God object

A god object (sometimes also called an omniscient or all-knowing object) is an object that references a large number of distinct types.

God object

God object (plural God objects). (programming, object-oriented programming) A poorly designed object that does more than one thing and thus violates the ...

A constraint-based god

由 CB Zilles 著作 · 1995 · 被引用 1222 次 — Haptic display is the process of applying forces to a human observer giving the sensation of touching and interacting with real physical objects.

What Is a God Class and Why Should We Avoid It?

2022年6月3日 — God class—or, alternatively, god object—is an anti-pattern that consists of having a class that does too much. A god class is usually a huge ...

The God Object Anti-Pattern

2024年1月16日 — The Telltale Signs of a God Object · Excessive Method Count: A class with an overwhelming number of methods is often a sign of The God Object.

How can you identify and fix god objects?

2023年8月9日 — A god object is a class or module that knows too much or does too much. It may have many fields, methods, parameters, and conditional logic that ...

An example of god object Web service.

Figure 1 illustrates an example of a GOWS antipattern. One of the main symptoms of a GOWS is that it implements multiple core business and/or technical ...


上帝物件(英語:God object)是物件導向程式設計中了解過多或者負責過多的物件,為一種反面模式。上帝物件通常出現在設計不良的系統中。


2021年5月6日—定义.在面向对象编程领域,上帝对象(Godobject)是一个了解过多或者负责过多的对象。上帝对象是反模式(anti-pattern)和代码异味(codesmell)的例子 ...,Agodobject(sometimesalsocalledanomniscientorall-knowingobject)isanobjectthatreferencesalargenumberofdistincttypes.,Godobject(pluralGodobjects).(programming,object-orientedprogramming)Apoorlydesignedobjectthatdoesmorethanonethingandthusviolates...