
Backup your messages on Android

Step 1 of 6. Open the Settings app . · Step 2 of 6. Tap Google. · Step 3 of 6. Tap Backup. · Step 4 of 6. Review the details of backing up your phone with Google ...

SMS Backup & Restore

SMS Backup & Restore is an app that backs up (creates a copy of) SMS & MMS messages and call logs currently available on the phone. It can also restore ...

SMS Backup & Restore

SMS Backup & Restore 是一個簡單備份與還原訊息(SMS)的應用程式。 - 使用XML 格式備份訊息(SMS) - 建立排程來進行自動備份作業 - 備份檔案為獨立的,所以不跟Android ...

How do I access my SMS backup

Go to drive.google.com. On the bottom left under Storage, click the number. On the top right, click Backups. Choose an option:.

備份或還原Android 裝置上的資料

你可以將手機上的內容、資料和設定備份至Google 帳戶,也可以將已備份的資訊還原到原先的手機或其他Android 手機。請注意,如果你在個人裝置上設定工作資料夾、

How to back up your SMS text messages on Android

Tap Set Up a Backup and follow the instructions. · When asked where you'd like to store the backup, select one of the following: Google Drive, ...

How to Restore Messages from Google Drive on Android

In your Google account tap on Sync and select the files you want to restore. Tap on Restore all synced data, and SMS backup will be downloaded ...

How to Restore SMS from Google Drive Backup to Android ...

Step 2: Launch the program, and on the main menu, select Recover Data from Google Backup. Step 3: ...


Step1of6.OpentheSettingsapp.·Step2of6.TapGoogle.·Step3of6.TapBackup.·Step4of6.ReviewthedetailsofbackingupyourphonewithGoogle ...,SMSBackup&Restoreisanappthatbacksup(createsacopyof)SMS&MMSmessagesandcalllogscurrentlyavailableonthephone.Itcanalsorestore ...,SMSBackup&Restore是一個簡單備份與還原訊息(SMS)的應用程式。-使用XML格式備份訊息(SMS)-建立排程來進行自動備份作業-備份檔案為獨立的...