Tech Tip Tuesday

2021年8月16日—HowcanImeasurefromPlane35toouteredgeofCylinder1,asrepresentedbytheredline?Anyhelpisappreciated.Chris.measurement ...,2023年8月20日—Ihavea3DScannedObjektandneedtomeasuresomedistancesbeetweenplanes.Creatingtheplanesisveryeasy,lovethis...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to measure to edge of cylindercircle

2021年8月16日 — How can I measure from Plane 35 to outer edge of Cylinder 1, as represented by the red line? Any help is appreciated. Chris. measurement ...

Measure Distanze beetween planes

2023年8月20日 — I have a 3D Scanned Objekt and need to measure some distances beetween planes. Creating the planes is very easy, love this. but i cant ...

How to Calculate Material Thickness Using Free GOM ...

Next, go to the I-Inspect wheel, click Check, and then select Material Thickness Comparison on Actual. You must have CAD in your inspection to complete this ...

How to Create and Analyze Elements Inside GOM Software

Next, hit the measuring principle function on the I-Inspect Wheel and choose Project Curve Onto Actual Measuring Principle, and hit OK to complete the curve.

can someone tell me how to measure the mean distance ...

2022年5月31日 — Sorry for the late reply, I tried to follow your explanation but struggled to use GOM inspect. I found a different way in CloudCompare and would ...


2021年8月16日—HowcanImeasurefromPlane35toouteredgeofCylinder1,asrepresentedbytheredline?Anyhelpisappreciated.Chris.measurement ...,2023年8月20日—Ihavea3DScannedObjektandneedtomeasuresomedistancesbeetweenplanes.Creatingtheplanesisveryeasy,lovethis.buticant ...,Next,gototheI-Inspectwheel,clickCheck,andthenselectMaterialThicknessComparisononActual.YoumusthaveCADinyourinspectiontocompletethis ...,...