Synology RS1220+ Rackmount NAS for Compact Business Needs

FPU,套件架構,記憶體.RS1619xs+,IntelXeonD-1527,4,8,✓,Broadwellnk,DDR4ECCUDIMM8GB.RS1219+,IntelAtomC2538...IntelCorei3-4130,2 ...,IntelAtomC2538specifications;Datawidth.64bit;ThenumberofCPUcores,4;Thenumberofthreads,4;FloatingPointUnit,Integrated.,...。參考影片的文章的如下:


我的Synology NAS 使用哪種CPU?

FPU, 套件架構, 記憶體. RS1619xs+, Intel Xeon D-1527, 4, 8, ✓, Broadwellnk, DDR4 ECC UDIMM 8GB. RS1219+, Intel Atom C2538 ... Intel Core i3-4130, 2 ...

Intel Atom C2538

Intel Atom C2538 specifications ; Data width. 64 bit ; The number of CPU cores, 4 ; The number of threads, 4 ; Floating Point Unit, Integrated.

Intel Atom C2538 @ 2.40GHz

This is a fairly old CPU that is no longer competitive with newer CPUs. But this CPU contains 4 Cores and 4 Threads. This CPU may not do well with games ...

Intel Atom® Processor C2538

CPU Specifications: Total Cores 4, Total Threads 4, Processor Base Frequency 2.40 GHz, Cache 2 MB, TDP 15 W.

Synology DS1517+ 的Atom C2538 疑問(第2頁)

NETGEAR ReadyNAS採用最新intel Atom C3000 的伺服器晶片,價格也漂亮比Qnap 的ntel® Celeron® J3455 效能好太多了, 而且用DDR 4的記憶體業界最新的規格NAS 給你比較看 ...

Synology DS1517+ 的Atom C2538 疑問

最近有計劃想替換掉目前的主力DS710+,並升級成更多槽且剛發表不久的DS1517+,看了規格後超失望,搞不懂為什麼還是用Atom C2538 這2013 年出產的處理器, ...

Intel Atom C2538 - 2.4 GHz

General Information. Category, CPU processors. Description, Intel Atom C2538 - 2.4 GHz - 4 cores - 4 threads - 2 MB cache - FCBGA1283 Socket - OEM.

x86 cpus' Guide

US$104.00 Manufacturer, Intel. Model, Atom. Architecture, x86. Codename, Rangeley. Core frequency, 2.4 GHz. Cores/Threads, 4/4. Targeted market, Embedded devices.


FPU,套件架構,記憶體.RS1619xs+,IntelXeonD-1527,4,8,✓,Broadwellnk,DDR4ECCUDIMM8GB.RS1219+,IntelAtomC2538...IntelCorei3-4130,2 ...,IntelAtomC2538specifications;Datawidth.64bit;ThenumberofCPUcores,4;Thenumberofthreads,4;FloatingPointUnit,Integrated.,ThisisafairlyoldCPUthatisnolongercompetitivewithnewerCPUs.ButthisCPUcontains4Coresand4Threads.ThisCPUmaynotdowellwithgames ...,CPUSpecifications:Total...
