
IntheSignIntoMyKasperskywindow,clicktheCreateAccountbutton.TheCreateMyKasperskyAccountwindowopens.,HereiswhatIrecommendyoudo:gotoKasperskywebsite,createaMyKasperskyaccount(emailandpassword),downloadtheversionyouarethinkingabout ...,Tocreateanacco...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Create a My Kaspersky account

In the Sign In to My Kaspersky window, click the Create Account button. The Create My Kaspersky Account window opens.

Kaspersky Plus Latest Version

Here is what I recommend you do: go to Kaspersky website, create a My Kaspersky account (email and password), download the version you are thinking about ...

Kaspersky Sign In

To create an account, simply tap on the Sign Up option. This should open the Kaspersky registration form on your device. You may also tap on the Sign in ...

Login Account

In the next window, tap the “Sign Up” button which is located on the upper-right corner of the screen. By doing so, My Kaspersky ...

My Kaspersky Account - Internet Security

To log in the My Kaspersky Account, use one of the following options: click the My Kaspersky Account link in the Kaspersky Internet Security main window;; in ...

My Kaspersky

My Kaspersky is a one-stop point for protection of your digital life and those you care about. Monitor all your digital devices and those you have shared ...


Sign in. Access your partner account to avail great offers. Shop. Enjoy special reseller discount ...




IntheSignIntoMyKasperskywindow,clicktheCreateAccountbutton.TheCreateMyKasperskyAccountwindowopens.,HereiswhatIrecommendyoudo:gotoKasperskywebsite,createaMyKasperskyaccount(emailandpassword),downloadtheversionyouarethinkingabout ...,Tocreateanaccount,simplytapontheSignUpoption.ThisshouldopentheKasperskyregistrationformonyourdevice.YoumayalsotapontheSignin ...,Inthenextwindow,tapthe“SignUp”butto...