How To Use The TONE CURVE In Adobe Lightroom (In

TheLightroomToneCurveisagraph-basedtoolthatletsyouadjustthetonesandcolorsofpreciseportionsofanimage.Mostphotographersuseittoaddextra ...,2024年3月13日—Thetonecurveisawayofmakingglobaladjustmentstoyourphotos.Itaffectstoneandcontrast,whicharetwomaj...。參考影片的文章的如下:


The Lightroom Tone Curve: A Hands

The Lightroom Tone Curve is a graph-based tool that lets you adjust the tones and colors of precise portions of an image. Most photographers use it to add extra ...

How to Use Tone Curve in Lightroom (Color Correction)

2024年3月13日 — The tone curve is a way of making global adjustments to your photos. It affects tone and contrast, which are two major components of an image.

Understanding the Tone Curve in Lightroom

A tone curve is a diagonal line that represents the tonal range of an image. This line can be manipulated by dragging in certain areas to change the brightness ...

How to Use Tone Curves in Lightroom The Right Way

The Tone Curve in Lightroom CC is inside the Light section of the Edit panel. Here, if the Parametric Curve is selected, you'll see the tool called Tone Curve.

How to Use the Tone Curve in Lightroom

2022年4月14日 — The Tone Curve (simply referred to as curves by most photographers) is a powerful tool in Lightroom that can affect an image's overall ...

Complete Guide to the Lightroom Tone Curve

The tone curve in Lightroom is a useful tool for adjusting image tonality and contrast. It is represented as a diagonal line on a graph, mapping the range of ...


TheLightroomToneCurveisagraph-basedtoolthatletsyouadjustthetonesandcolorsofpreciseportionsofanimage.Mostphotographersuseittoaddextra ...,2024年3月13日—Thetonecurveisawayofmakingglobaladjustmentstoyourphotos.Itaffectstoneandcontrast,whicharetwomajorcomponentsofanimage.,Atonecurveisadiagonallinethatrepresentsthetonalrangeofanimage.Thislinecanbemanipulatedbydraggingincertainareastochangethebright...