Free online dictionary

2017年4月1日—這本字典Linguee是由數以百萬計的人使用。它具有之間的翻譯英語,法語,西班牙語,德語,葡萄牙語,俄語,中國,日本,意大利,荷蘭,波蘭和歐盟的 ...,ThedictionaryLingueeisusedbymillionsofpeople.-TranslationsinFrench,Spanish,Germanandmore.-R...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Dictionary Linguee

2017年4月1日 — 這本字典Linguee是由數以百萬計的人使用。 它具有之間的翻譯英語,法語,西班牙語,德語,葡萄牙語,俄語,中國,日本,意大利,荷蘭,波蘭和歐盟的 ...

Dictionary Linguee on the App Store

The dictionary Linguee is used by millions of people. - Translations in French, Spanish, German and more. - Reliable: Created by over 400 lexicographers.


English Dictionary and Translation Search with 1000000000 example sentences from human translators. Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, ...

Linguee | English

Find Chinese translations in our English-Chinese dictionary and in 1000000000 translations.

Linguee | English

Find German translations in our English-German dictionary and in 1000000000 translations.

Linguee | English

Find Spanish translations in our English-Spanish dictionary and in 1000000000 translations.


Many translated example sentences containing online – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations.

online diCtionary - 英中

大量翻译例句关于online diCtionary – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。

在App Store 上的「Dictionary Linguee」

The dictionary Linguee is used by millions of people. - Translations in French, Spanish, German and more. - Reliable: Created by over 400 lexicographers.


2017年4月1日—這本字典Linguee是由數以百萬計的人使用。它具有之間的翻譯英語,法語,西班牙語,德語,葡萄牙語,俄語,中國,日本,意大利,荷蘭,波蘭和歐盟的 ...,ThedictionaryLingueeisusedbymillionsofpeople.-TranslationsinFrench,Spanish,Germanandmore.-Reliable:Createdbyover400lexicographers.,EnglishDictionaryandTranslationSearchwith1000000000examplesentencesfromhumantranslators.Languages:English,Germ...

Simple Translate 選取文字立刻翻譯,絕對神速 !

Simple Translate 選取文字立刻翻譯,絕對神速 !
